GM help requested on a custom item.

By Gigerstreak, in General Discussion

For over 14 years of Star Wars gaming I have had a staple in my games. It is called Gestalt Crystal. (Gestalt is a German word meaning "form" or "shape" and often refers to Holism, viewing minor linked parts together as a whole)

I have waited patiently for Force and Destiny to come out so that I may properly give it statistics, and now that it is here I would like the fine people on these forums to help me balance it.

Gestalt is a microscopic plant-like organism that has a very odd life cycle. They feed off of light but are unable to survive in the harsh atmosphere above and thus live underground in black, shimmering pools. The organisms form a lattice structure and slowly flow upward from the pool. The pressure of the flow combined with the sturdiness of the structure allows them to breach the surface. Invariably they are struck by one of the lightning storms above, fusing the lattice (sadly killing those that make up the structure). The reason they do this is because their bodies work together to absorb the energy of the lightning and convert it to light. This feeds the remaining organisms underground and they flow to a new area to repeat the process.

This has been used before to create a few items. Firstly, a Staff. Second, a Lightsaber Crystal, and lastly as an armor weave. In the narrative it is a clear crystal staff that can parry or reflect like a lightsaber, but when it does so against an energy weapon it glows with the color of whatever energy that it parried. One end of the staff can then be used to discharge this stored light in a burst upon impact. The lightsaber crystal was similar, in that it was a clear blade until it came into contact with another energy source, and then it would cycle as that color until discharged.

So, here are the stats that I wish to base it on (similar to the Refined cortosis Staff).

Gestalt Crystal Staff /Melee/ +3/ 5 /Engaged/ 4/ 2/ 3,500/ 7/ Cortosis

Gestalt Crystal Staff
This staff is a clear crystal that gives off dim light. When it
is exposed to contact with an energy source it radiates bright
light in the color of the impact and one end pulses with deadly
potential.When a PC armed with an energy weapon makes
a combat check targeting an adversary armed with a gestalt crystal
staff, the Game Master may spend 3 threat or 1 Despair
to cause the staff to ???? after the combat check has been
resolved. When a character armed with a gestalt crystal staff makes
a combat check targeting a character armed with a lightsaber, the
attacking character may spend 3 advantage or 1 Triumph to cause
the staff to ???? after the combat
check has been resolved. This bonus lasts
until after the last Initiative slot during the next round.
Gestalt crystal staffs require two hands to use.

So for 3 threat or 3 advantage the weapon will gain a specific quality.

What would best represent stored energy released as a burst of light/plasma?

An upgrade to the combat check with the Staff?

The Accurate 2 quality?

Linked 1?

Viscous 1 with a 2 advantage critical?

Burn 1?


I also wish to have this same mechanic for a custom Kyber crystal.

Base Modifiers: Installing this crystal changes a
lightsaber’s base damage to 7 and critical rating to
2, and the lightsaber gains the Breach 1 and Sunder
weapon qualities. When a PC armed with an energy weapon makes a combat
check targeting an adversary armed with a gestalt crystal
lightsaber, the Game Master may spend 3 threat or 1 Despair
to cause the lightsaber to ???? after
the combat check has been resolved. When a character
armed with a gestalt crystal lightsaber makes a combat
check targeting a character armed with a lightsaber, the
attacking character may spend 3 advantage or 1 Triumph to cause
the lightsaber to ???? after the combat
check has been resolved. This bonus lasts
until after the last Initiative slot during the next round. If the crystal is ever removed, the lightsaber
loses these qualities and abilities, and reverts to its
previous base damage and critical rating.
Modification Options: 1 Decrease the weapon’s
critical rating by one to a minimum of 1 Mod, 1 Damage
+1 Mods. 1 Item Quality (Deflection +1) Mods
Hard Points Required: 2.
Price: ® 15,000 credits.
Seriously appreciate any help on this. Thank you all.
Edited by Gigerstreak