Two question from last night's session

By edderkoppen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey people, hope you can help us out.

1. I know there were a discussion some time back, but not sure what came of it. It seems to me, that it is impossible to remove the Lode Stone (Dark Relic) with the Remove Curse item from RtL, since you cannot have anything in your pack and you have to re-equip the Remove Curse at the start of your turn. Would it work to equip it when bought, and then equip it again in the start of your turn (with the free equip phase), or does it have to come from the backpack? It would cost us a few turns to kill the character, that is why we'd rather pay the coins.

2. Can you make an attack while standing on a rubble token (or water or any other similar token), if you have fly? It says explicitly that you can't attack while standing on another figure, but I'm not sure with the rubble. Can't find proof, but seem to recall that you can't. Though it could be a slight of my mind.

edderkoppen said:

Hey people, hope you can help us out.

1. I know there were a discussion some time back, but not sure what came of it. It seems to me, that it is impossible to remove the Lode Stone (Dark Relic) with the Remove Curse item from RtL, since you cannot have anything in your pack and you have to re-equip the Remove Curse at the start of your turn. Would it work to equip it when bought, and then equip it again in the start of your turn (with the free equip phase), or does it have to come from the backpack? It would cost us a few turns to kill the character, that is why we'd rather pay the coins.

2. Can you make an attack while standing on a rubble token (or water or any other similar token), if you have fly? It says explicitly that you can't attack while standing on another figure, but I'm not sure with the rubble. Can't find proof, but seem to recall that you can't. Though it could be a slight of my mind.

1. You can also die. In this instance, I see no problem with having other heroes attack the hero who gained a thing of evil that is slowing sapping his power, etc., since they know the whatever of journeys will bring him back to him all healed up. It's a lot cheaper to give up 2-4 CP vs. spending 500 or whatever on that item. Gold is more precious that cp.

That being said, I believe the discarding is what happens at the start of one's turn, not the equipping. It's a topic of debate, but I think the main point is you must first have the item equipped to discard it. I might even go so far as to argue that it has to first be equipped on a previous turn, and you cannot equip and discard the same turn. This might put you in a situation where if you want to use the item, you have to give up an "other" slot for a turn. With the lodestone, this argument really doesn't matter, though...and once again, I would just kill that guy unless you are in vanilla and it means the end of the game.

2. It explicitly says somewhere that you cannot attack from rubble spaces, even with fly. I think the same applies to water. Think of it like this: you can fly over the rubble, but it will get in your way of making an attack. You can fly past the water, but if you hover over it long enough to attack them, those bloodsquids will get angry. In either case, I'm pretty sure it IS in the rules/faq/gloaq somewhere.

Which reminds me... 3 full fledged expansions, and no blood squids yet?

Veinman said:

Which reminds me... 3 full fledged expansions, and no blood squids yet?

Yeah, I'm still waiting on the aquatic-themed expansion =)

Veinman said:

Which reminds me... 3 full fledged expansions, and no blood squids yet?

I've been a long time advocate of a 2-3 point Trap Treachery Blood Squid card, playable when the Hero moves next to water. On a blank, you are pulled into the water and die.

Blood squids should clearly be a trap card that is triggered when a hero moves adjacent to a water space.

Nasty version:

Hero receives both a web and a bleed token and will receive an additional bleed token each turn thereafter that the web is not escaped.

Insanely Nasty version:

Hero is moved to the stomach tile and must fight their way out as if swallowed by a master Ice Wyrm. No other heroes can assist.

Feanor said:

2. It explicitly says somewhere that you cannot attack from rubble spaces, even with fly.

I can't find any such rule. Searches on "rubble" and "fly" don't turn up anything like that in the JitD rules, the FAQ, or the GLoAQ (though I did just discover to my surprise that spawning in pits is illegal). Can you cite your source?

Antistone said:

Feanor said:

2. It explicitly says somewhere that you cannot attack from rubble spaces, even with fly.

I can't find any such rule. Searches on "rubble" and "fly" don't turn up anything like that in the JitD rules, the FAQ, or the GLoAQ (though I did just discover to my surprise that spawning in pits is illegal). Can you cite your source?

Now that you mention it, fly is not specifically noted. I did check water pact and earth pact, and both state that you cannot attack from water or rubble spaces, respectively. Acrobat also states on the skill that you cannot attack from spaces containing other figures or obstacles that block movement.

It would seem to me that since in no other case where you can move through something that normally blocks movement (whether that be a friendly figure, or enemy figures/obstacles in cases of acrobat and the like) that you can attack from that space, that you couldn't in the case of fly, either. However, it's not technically written anywhere that I can find it I guess you have to make your own decision on that one. I still like my thematic argument, but...fair enough. Fly may be an exception. I don't think we will change how we handle it in my group, but...this would make Zyla that much more ridiculously overpowered. It would also mean razorwings are immune to taunt even in a narrow hallway, because they could just attack from the taunting hero's space...

I don't think you can, because from a purely technical standpoint even with Fly you are moving, stopping to make an attack, and then moving again aren't you? And you can't stop on a rubble space.

Big Remy said:

I don't think you can, because from a purely technical standpoint even with Fly you are moving, stopping to make an attack, and then moving again aren't you? And you can't stop on a rubble space.

Technically, it only says you cannot end your movement on another figure or a space that blocks movement with fly. It's tough to know if they meant for fly to be slightly better than acrobat or not, in terms of attacking from movement blocking spaces...

For rubble, one could argue that it blocks LOS between the centre and the edge of the rubble square, so you would be unable to attack into or out of it.

Feanor said:

It would also mean razorwings are immune to taunt even in a narrow hallway, because they could just attack from the taunting hero's space...

Not so. The JitD rules state on page 9 that a figure cannot attack while sharing the space of another figure; there's just no corresponding rule for rubble, water, or other obstacles.

Big Remy said:

I don't think you can, because from a purely technical standpoint even with Fly you are moving, stopping to make an attack, and then moving again aren't you? And you can't stop on a rubble space.

They have consistently ruled that you can do all sorts of stuff while in a space where it would be illegal to end your movement, as long as you resume your movement afterwards. Monsters can attack while standing on active glyphs, figures can open doors from the space of another figure, etc. So, no, there's no reason to think that "you cannot end your movement here" prevents you from doing anything else whatsoever while in that space.

Wibble said:

For rubble, one could argue that it blocks LOS between the centre and the edge of the rubble square, so you would be unable to attack into or out of it.

Feanor said:

It's tough to know if they meant for fly to be slightly better than acrobat or not, in terms of attacking from movement blocking spaces...

One hopes that if they meant Acrobat to be equivalent to Fly for all purposes, that the skill would simply give you the Fly ability. One could argue about whether or not this particular difference is one of the intentional ones, or merely accidental, but with the errata'd version there really isn't much in the way of other differences, so I think that would be a pretty hard argument to make.