Hey people, hope you can help us out.
1. I know there were a discussion some time back, but not sure what came of it. It seems to me, that it is impossible to remove the Lode Stone (Dark Relic) with the Remove Curse item from RtL, since you cannot have anything in your pack and you have to re-equip the Remove Curse at the start of your turn. Would it work to equip it when bought, and then equip it again in the start of your turn (with the free equip phase), or does it have to come from the backpack? It would cost us a few turns to kill the character, that is why we'd rather pay the coins.
2. Can you make an attack while standing on a rubble token (or water or any other similar token), if you have fly? It says explicitly that you can't attack while standing on another figure, but I'm not sure with the rubble. Can't find proof, but seem to recall that you can't. Though it could be a slight of my mind.