Campaign Idea's

By whiteape1, in General Discussion

Hello gentleman, and ladies.

Ok so I just wanted to make a thread for this, cause mainly being a. Gm and making a while world with your own story as part is one of my favourite parts of being a GM(Galaxy Master).

So once I have the rules, beta book I will probably start running the adventure that comes with, but after I would love to run my own world and campaign. I have an idea at the moment, so I may as well share it.

First off I would like to base the game a few years after the fall of the empire and death of the empire.

So the empire has fallen, the jedi are starting to restructure and become more established peace keepers throughout the galaxy now. Crime is at lower rates and all seems lovely, puppies unicorns. You know how it goes.

Anyway my campaign would givem player the option of going either sith or jedi at the beginning, using both the fnd rules amd EOTE rules, players would have to rise from being eithe r a Palawan/ youngling and the opposite for sith.

But this is where I want things different, I would either run two different games or have another gm to collaborate with, as they would run the side that my players hadn't chosen, in this way we could document events and use the actions of each group,to affect the parts of the worlds the other group is in/ at. Basically I want a game where another virus run in the same universe can have some from of direct impact on the other, the sith may gain power and slay an npc that the jedi have grown to like, which of course would be found out at the next game.

I know there would be kinks to work out and fine details, like a story and other stuff but I recon it's an interesting idea.

So go ahead, chime in or tell me your ideas for a campaign or short story you would run with the new rules.

I like the idea, but i wouldn't describe the post-Endor galaxy as a lovely happy unicorns place. Even without going into the EU, it's most likely that some part of the Empire is still resisting and struggling, and the war is still going on.

Also as far as the peacekeepers idea goes, it's nice but the New Republic will not dismatle it's armed forces so, the Jedi will have to work side by side with a military, and they will not have the kind of autority they had in the Golden Age.

Huge opportunits for the Hutts and Black Sun to get control of systems and create a powerbase.

I think that the Sith group could be created by a group of Inquisitors, using Prakith as base, maybe with the goal to reclaim Korriban.

The jedi group (i imagine under the guidance of Luke) might want to reclaim Tython for example, or maybe Ossus. Finding Ilum for the crystal caves is also a good plot point.

In general you should decide what part of the EU you want to keep, as the post Endor world is yet unknown, while the OT setting is very familiar to everybody.

The two groups idea is very good but it requires excellent coordination with the other GM, otherwise the two player groups risk running totally separated campaigns, unless they wish to re-ignite the eternal Jedi-Sith conflict .