Hey I've read up the takedown rules and it seems to be that using the Talent is not very good, as you get a chance to stun a foe for 1 round only , if you do enough damage and they fail a toughnesss check.
However, if you don't have the talent and use a Stun action instead, you have the possibility of stunning the target for several round if you're lucky on an opposed d10+SB vs d10 +TB(+armor to head), and to top it off the enemy takes one level of fatigue if you succeed. The only drawback is a -20 WS, if you don't have the talent.
So if you have the talent wouldn't it be better to use the Stun Action (without -20WS) in order to potentially stun for several round rather than just have the chance of stunning once. Only advantage with the talent "takedown" action is if you think your SB is lower than the enemy's TB, or the enemy is heavily armored at the head.
So what's your take on it?