In F&D you start with FR1. If you want to adquire FR2 you need a lot of xp (from 60 to 75 xp) depende of the speciatization...
My question is:
Could a player chose a cheaper option? example: Could a player buy FS Exile (EotE) or FS emergent (AoR) to adquire FR2, spending only 30 Xp??
A question about force rating...
No. Buying the second one doesn't grant you +1 Force Rating, but says you gain a Force Rating of 1.
I believe the Seer is the cheapest way to start cranking up the FR, but all of them are at least 60 points into the tree. IIRC Seer and Sage both have 2 +1 FR talents.
Which one is 60?
I'm pretty sure the cheapest FR2 was Pathfinder, at 5+10+15+15+20=65... all the other ones I checked were 70 at least.
The two universal Force specializations only give you a Force Rating of 1, not +1.
By my math, there's maybe one or two Force Rating boosts you can get for that cheap. The rest start at 70. I'm guessing it's FFG's way of keeping the balance.
(Naturally, for our beta game I chose Ataru Striker, which has no Force Rating boost.)
Edited by CaptainRaspberryWhich one is 60?
I'm pretty sure the cheapest FR2 was Pathfinder, at 5+10+15+15+20=65... all the other ones I checked were 70 at least.
Seer gets FR2 at 60 (5+10+10+15+20)
Can you tell me where in the rules it says that after choosing a specialisation that starts with a Force Rating 1 that choosing a second specialisation also with a Force Rating of 1 that it doesn't give you another, taking your total to 2 Force Rating?
Edge of the Empire , p. 276, paragraph 3. "If he already has a Force rating of 1 or higher, it [the character's Force rating] does not increase."
Age of Rebellion , p. 292, paragraph 4. "However, if the character already has a Force rating of 1 or higher, it does not improve when he purchases the Force-Sensitive Emergent specialization."
Edited by CaptainRaspberryAnd to finish that, the careers in F&D are the source of FR1 there, not the specializations, and you can only ever take a single career. So the only two ways to get FR1 are Career in F&D or Spec from EotE/AoR
Thanks guys. Much appreciated. I just want to have that ammunition in case of "difficult" players.
Edge of the Empire , p. 276, paragraph 3. "If he already has a Force rating of 1 or higher, it [the character's Force rating] does not increase."
Age of Rebellion , p. 292, paragraph 4. "However, if the character already has a Force rating of 1 or higher, it does not improve when he purchases the Force-Sensitive Emergent specialization."
Thank you so much. This will solve a lot of problems with my "munchkin" player.
Yeah, I remember this sort of thing coming up with the Age of Rebellion Beta being released. Even had a couple of gamers at the EotE game I was in that Sterling was running suggest that you could get up to FR 4 simply by purchasing Exile and Emergent to hit FR 2 before working your way down to the Force Rating talents.
Thanks guys. Much appreciated. I just want to have that ammunition in case of "difficult" players.
Thank you so much. This will solve a lot of problems with my "munchkin" player.
No problem. I'm a librarian, so I'm used to having to cite sources.
I'm also a proponent of players receiving Force rating bumps from the GM for story-appropriate developments, but I seem to be the only one. Probably because I've yet to do that at the table and have it blow up in my face.
I'm also a proponent of players receiving Force rating bumps from the GM for story-appropriate developments, but I seem to be the only one. Probably because I've yet to do that at the table and have it blow up in my face.
Do not, for the love of god, do that. It may not seem like a big deal at first, but then your player rushes down a couple of talent trees, gets a few more Force ratings and suddenly you have an uber-munchkin tossing TIE fighters around. Resist the temptation to hand out bottom-tier talents for free.