Suggestions wanted: Dungeons in Runebound

By Tony P., in Runebound

A friend of mine had a suggestion when we were playing Runebound recently: Figure out a way to make "dungeons" in Runebound. Something that would give multiple challenges and encounters on the same spot and extra rewards. Originally he had suggested it in place of the dragon lords, making the Dragon Runes the treasure at the end of the dungeon.

I've been having trouble coming up with a workable system. Any ideas?

That wouldn't be too hard..

Idea.... use the yellow encounter icons.. or the blue ones depending on how many dungeons you wanted..

Then Draw 3 cards from the deck of the color below.. ie you chose the blue icons so draw yellow cards..

Resolve these cards as encounters in the order that you drew them in.

If Playing co-op then have 2 or more players with you but limit the allies to one each... Add 1 card per player in the dungeon.. that should give you something to work towards.

For rewards.. just draw one market card per 2 encounters. If you draw an ally, then you rescued that person from the dungeon.

You could try that and see how your group goes. You might want to up the challenge by adding an extra encounter card or two to per player..

Just my thoughts... :)

Thanks! I'll take that into consideration...