Cortosis and Weighted Head

By MrBaldwin, in General Discussion

I noticed that the cortosis attachments for weapons and armor aren't in the book, and that the weighted head attachment isn't in the book either. FFG should really consider including these because:

  • The book finally has weapons that can use weighted head (refined cortosis staff and the electrostaff with tinkerer).
  • This is the first book to prominently feature lightsabers, so people might want to make cortosis weapons and armor.

Cortosis was incorporated into numerous weapons. I would rather see it as an Attachment (not that it really attaches, but whatever) that can be applied than to have a half dozen cortosis XYZ entries, but...

Cortosis Weave for armor is in the Age of Rebellion book, but I don't recall an attachment for weaponry.

As noted, Cortosis Weave is an armour attachment in both EotE and AoR. If it was missed in F&D I'm sure it was just an oversight. We may see an attachment for weapons in F&D, but in the interim the armour one could be used in its stead.

The Cortosis attachment was deliberately left out according to Sam Stewart as of last night's O66 podcast. Mostly to avoid PCs from thinking it's a "must have" armor attachment and thus drastically reducing the viability of lightsabers in combat, whose big thing under the updated stats is that they have Breach 1.

The Cortosis attachment was deliberately left out according to Sam Stewart as of last night's O66 podcast. Mostly to avoid PCs from thinking it's a "must have" armor attachment and thus drastically reducing the viability of lightsabers in combat, whose big thing under the updated stats is that they have Breach 1.

I'm not to that point in the episode yet, but that's an interesting design choice. I can see the reasoning, but I'm not sure I agree. Since my players are familiar with the Cortosis attachment from the previous editions, I guess the point is moot for my game.

Edited by kaosoe