Multiple "+1 Force rating" Talents and no Dedication?

By Alderaan Crumbs, in Game Mechanics

There are a couple trees that are like this and if memory serves Niman style is the only saber form to grant a Force bonus. Are these typos, such as how many times "Blooded" was on the Commando Talent tree? Personally, I like that no saber forms have a bonus to the Force rating and that the others are a +1 Force rating and a Dedication.

I suspect that Force Rating is on Niman Disciple because "canonically" it was the balance form. It utilized both knowledge of the Force and skill with a Lightsaber. I do not chalk that up to accident, I suspect that is very much intentional.

Yeah, I liked that they mixed it up a bit with Dedication and Force Rating not being in every talent tree in equal amounts. It adds a little extra flavour and deeper strategy to picking your specializations.

Yeah, it's pretty much intentional that the more "intense" Lightsaber Form specializations don't have a Force Rating talent, as the character is focusing on the physicality of lightsaber combat rather than the mysticism of the Force. Niman is the "balanced" Form, so that one having Force Rating does make sense... and makes it appealing for 'saber-monkeys that want to have a chance of increasing their Force Rating while still improving their lightsaber prowess. After all, the various Form Technique talents all say "you may use" the cited alternate Characteristic, not that you have to. So a Shii-Cho Knight that's buffed up his Brawn but has a lesser Willpower can still choose to use Brawn in most instances when making Lightsaber checks, except if they want to use the Draw Closer or Force Assault talents.

Sam Stewart talked about this on the Order 66 Podcast last night. As a balance point for Seer and Sage, they get 2 Force Ratings at the cost of having no Dedication in that tree. The idea being you're focusing on imrpoving your Force ability, rather than your characteristics.

Niman Disciple is the only "Form Spec" that has Force Rating in it because of it's canon backstory, but it's buried deep in the tree and is something the Devs are looking at to see if Mechanically it works. They are eager to get feedback on that decision, so let's get testing!


I have to say that the amount of positive participation for this beta is refreshing.

I can't wait to get my hands on a copy myself. I think the balance of dedication vs. force rating is a good one. While i am waiting for my copy, I had noticed from some of the info out there that the lightsaber trees lacked improvements to one's force rating.

To quote Yoda: "Wars do not make one great."

Learning lightsaber forms is important, especially for force users, yet they aren't what connects one to the force. This one tree would be the exception to the rule.

To quote Yoda: "Wars do not make one great."

Learning lightsaber forms is important, especially for force users, yet they aren't what connects one to the force. This one tree would be the exception to the rule.

It's probably also a subtle incentive to players to not over-focus on just being a 'saber-monkey, and to branch out into other specializations, either within their own career or in other careers.