Don't have F&D yet, but I haven't seen anyone mention it. Is there a saber-lock mechanic?
It's such an iconic feature of lightsaber combat I'd be a bit disappointed if it weren't. In Saga there was, if I recall, but it was kind of lame and forgettable. Rewatching some of the movie and TCW scenes it's clearly part of the combat. Also, I was recently watching the TCW episode with Maul vs Palpatine, and Palpatine is the only one I've ever seen actually *bend* the lock to get a better position. It was a pretty cool scene.
So if there isn't, should there be one, and how should it work?
I'd say if you roll 3 Advantage/Threat (or Triumph/Despair), the PC/NPC can use it to lock sabers. Until the lock is broken, the engaged opponents make contested Discipline + up to as many Force dice as the participant wishes (so could keep other commitments going, or simply reserve some for a followup). Pips can be converted to successes or advantages as needed.
Whoever wins may break the lock. Any remaining uncommitted Force dice can be used to break the lock immediately and gain an upgrade on their next attack; or keep the lock and attempt a Force action, after which the lock is broken.
Eg: Dooku and Obiwan lock sabers. Both have committed a couple of Force die for Enhance, etc. Dooku has 4 Force dice left, Obiwan has 3. They roll contested Discipline (I won't speculate), with Dooku applying 2 of his 4 remaining Force dice, Obiwan all 3. Dooku wins, keeps the lock, rolls his two remaining Force dice to use Move to hit Obiwan with a chair. The lock is now broken.
Too complicated and crunchy?
Edited by whafrog