
By Jomero, in General Discussion

So I've been on AoR beta so long that I didn't even see that the official release happened. Now I see that F&D is in beta, apparently from everyone's discussion here. But I don't see an option to purchase the beta booklet like I was able to with AoR.

What am I missing?

Nothing, they haven't posted it for online sale yet.

If they are expecting the kind of shipping delays that they had with Age of Rebeliion, it may not be until the end of the month or into next month that the Beta goes on sale.

Thanks guys. A lot of the discussions here seemed like some people had the books in hand already. Unless they were part of some promotion I missed out on or there was some stuff printed on the website I missed.

Hopefully that long AoR delay was a one off fluke and F&D will be reasonably prompt.

The people that "have it on hand" were at GenCon where it was released.

Thanks guys. A lot of the discussions here seemed like some people had the books in hand already. Unless they were part of some promotion I missed out on or there was some stuff printed on the website I missed.

Those of us with actual books picked them up at GenCon last week.

Some of us are going by some released pictures of the relevant specs/gear posted online while we wait for said books to be distributed.

The people that "have it on hand" were at GenCon where it was released.

Or they had a friend at Gen Con who picked it up for them.

Yup I have mine. but you had to be at Gencon to buy it or have someone who did so for you and brought it home to you.