Reapinted shipps

By Dark Curse, in X-Wing

Those look great! I generally prefer the newer Rebel fighters (A and B-wing), but these are some of the best Z-95s that I've seen.

Your colorful style MUCH more fits Rebel fighters. Those are BEAUTIFUL Z-95s!

Love the way you denoted the squad leader too! Blue nose, very nice.

Look at them cute little Z's!


Great paint jobs mate.

Love the orange squints and defender, still quite military looking but nice and personal looking.

Not sure about the look for whisper and echo, but are very different and stand out.

Hi, thank you very much for your nice comments. I hope to finish more shipps soon.

Happy painting

Dark Curse

Some of the best paint jobs I've seen. Very talented and I'm very jealous :)

What did you use for the engine flare? Shave down some acrylic rod?

Hi, thank you very much for your support. The engine flares are the endparts of plastick cocktail-forks.

Here comes Vessery and Rex. I hope you enjoy:



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I hope you enjoy.

Dark Curse

Brilliant! Yet again, these are fantastic.

Thank you.

Those are great - the finished effect looks almost like brass and copper NMM.

Did you paint the backdrop, too? It has the same airbrushed look to it.

Anyone else having trouble focusing on those pictures? :)

Just your work DC. As others have asked, what did you use for the engine exhaust on your ships?

Love the Defender paint jobs. They actually make one of my least favourite fighters look really good

Few questions:

  • Are you allowed to paint the bases in a tournament (does that fall under modifying the base)?
  • Why are some of them pooping out neon bulbs?
  • Are you a child of the 80's? Those look totally tubular !

That is probably the snazziest Z-95 paint scheme I have seen to date, though everything looks awesome.

I am extremely jealous, but as long as you keep producing and posting more pics I will forgive you...

seconded on where did you get those engine effects

Hi, thank you soo much for your great comments. The engine exhausts are the endparts of Cocktail forks. Since of this conversion the shipps are not and anymore tournament legal. I heared that only black bases are OK for tournaments. But where I play it is possible to play great painted and converted shipps as long as its clear which shipp it is.

The backdrop is done with an airbrush for a better presentation.

Thank you so much

Dark Curse

Edited by Dark Curse

Hi out there,

I finished the testmodell of my Ties after having problems for months to begin this shipps.

I wanted something colourfull which fits to my other shipps and is not to boring.

Thank you all for your help and nice words, without them the Ties were not begun.

Next to the colourdesign I wanted shipps with marks of the war. I used a glowing needle for it.

I think to let the shooted parts glowing. The stripes are done in a new way too to underline the offense way the Ties are build.

Ok here are the pictures, I hope you enjoy:


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is this all done with Airbrush or do you also use some brush strokes? I want to paint my ships but having never done any painting (outside of house work) I'm unsure of what the best rout is.