Reapinted shipps

By Dark Curse, in X-Wing

Hi, I am new to this forum. I gave up tabletopgaming 8 years ago. Now I am playing X Wing for four month and I love it. Painting miniatures has always been my passion.

I want to thank the wonderfull X-Wing Community out there: there are so great blogs, tips and even podcasts out there. Actually I like listening to nova squadron radio so much.

About my painting: I start directly over the fabric painting with an airbrush. Than I rework and define all parts with the brush. First colours are mainly Tamiya, than Vallejo Game Air.

I hope you enjoy.

I will post more pictures soon from PC.

Besteht wishes


Most impressive.

Nice int's

That photo is also inspiring me to buy some black spray paint and paint my bases

Interesting take on the squint. It seems you've used a brownish/orange red when airbrushing and that gives it a peculiar finish that I've never before seen on an Interceptor. The blue on the ace (Maybe not?) really stands out and provides good contrast. Good job basically. :)


thank you for great answers.

Beeing at home I open the full hangar:

My Royal Guard. I do not like red on miniatures too much. So I used a coloursheme in orange red brown. The Blue stripe marks my special charackters. I fly a 5 Interceptor swarm quite often.





I hope you enjoy.

Ok here comes the next squadron. In fact I really had no possibility to fly the Phantoms, because I need my time to learn flying these ships. Ladies first so Echo. Echo has the colour sheme of the Royal Guard, but with more nuances and much more complexity the paintjob should reveal her better pilot abilities. - Echo is a real hero. Hard to hit and she hits harder back.

echo_left_aide3__sized_l.jpg echo_closeup__sized_l.jpg echo_bck__sized_l.jpg echo_ride_side_1__sized_l.jpg

The next is Mr Whisper himself. I wanted him completely different from Echo. So I used a much more flashy coloursheme. I wanted a much more sporty style.

whisper_left_side__sized_l.jpg whisper_front__sized_l.jpg whisper_oben2__sized_l.jpg whisper_side__sized_l.jpg

I hope you enjoy.

Edited by Dark Curse

And last but not least Codename BIg King Rex: Rexler Brath.

I choosed the coloursheme in a very classic green military style, since playing with Rexler Brath is like flying the big tank.

I love playing Rexler in a swarm of Ties or as a flanker and did it quite often.

rex_front__sized_l.jpg front_rechts2__sized_l.jpg front_links_closeup__sized_l.jpg rex_front2__sized_l.jpg

Ok, so I posted most of my painted ships and hope you enjoy.

Actually I am painting Vessery. I want to paint my Tie swarm for some month now, but had never the right feeling or the great idea how I could interprete it in the right colours. There are so many black and greys out there, but I want something completely different. Maybe one time I will risk it to begin the holy seven Ties.

Best wishes to you out there.

"The Force is strong with this one"

Wow, you're an amazing painter, I really like your style, I've tried for long time to learn to paint this worn effect technique and know that is not easy thing to do (at least not for me :P ), thanks for sharing with us, really enjoying it

Those are seriously groovy. I like them a lot

Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing!

Your airbrushing skills make me want to cry. They look so great.

You are using a magnifying aid to paint these, i assume?

Simply: wow!

those are outstanding!

most fantastic work on all those ships really liking your Tie Defender gives me a few ideas thank you for sharing,


LOVE that Defender. All of the color schemes are very cool. This is some amazing work!

The paint jobs look great, I really like the purple on whispers cockpit.

Not a huge fan if the neon poops a few of them seem to be taking.


do you paint the bases on the top, or from underneath?



Well there's certainly nothing wrong with your mad ninja airbrushing skills. Imperial ships has a tendency to be very boring in all their grey glory but you truly manage to bring life into the models. My favourite has to be the Defender! Only one niggle remain, and that's the green poop coming out the back. I realize what you are trying to achieve but, to me it looks wrong. Echo looks much better, the smaller blue pieces achieves a better sense of speed and engine exhaust vapors than the big green blob on Whisper and the Defender.

Hi, thank you soo much for your feedback.

To answer some questions:

- the bases are sprayed Black from above with Games Workshop Chaos Black primer. Very easy and fast.

- I die not use jewelery glasse.

Having high Jedi skills with an Airbrush

is hard training.

May the force be with you.

Dark Curse (who wants now to paint the scum and villany stuff)


once again my painted shipps armada is growing. These time some Z 95 Headhunters. I painted 5 of these grat shipps. I like the z 95 from the Rebell shipps the most. The colorsheme is very simple, but I like it. I shaded the complete shipp, than I redid the lighting. Some weathering here and there and some markings for the aces rounded all up. I hope you enjoy.


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Best wishes

Dark Curse

Great work!

Great! And welcome to the addiction.