Force and Destiny Beta feedback
- On p. 95 it lists a Force Deflection talent, but there is no description for the talent in the Talents chapter.
- On p. 155 it says cover grants +1 ranged defense, which contradicts Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion, which say cover provides ranged defense of 1. In a demo at Gencon, Sam Stewart played it as +1 ranged defense, which makes more sense anyways. Please keep it that way (change the prior books’ rules).
- In the descriptions of poisons on p. 127, it includes difficulties but it doesn’t say what skill is used for the check. It should probably say something about using Resilience to resist the poison.
- In previous books (Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion), the description for lightsabers mentioned that they cannot be affected by the Sunder weapon quality. I don’t see that in any of the descriptions on p. 124. That should be included. Lightsaber duels will be very disappointing if the first thing to happen is everyone’s lightsabers get sundered.
- Initial thoughts on the Parry and Reflect talents (p. 105 and 105): Maybe consider an exception for Reflect so that it cannot be used to reduce damage from weapons with the blast quality (like grenades and missiles). Also consider only allowing lightsabers or cortosis weapons to parry lightsabers. It is more complicated, but it fits with the fluff/universe, so Star Wars fans will readily understand it. Also consider combining them into one talent and maybe removing a few instances of them from the talent trees. As it is, they tend to dominate a few of the trees.
- Also, with the Reflect/Parry talents, how do they interact with multiple hits? For example, if someone scores two hits with autofire for 10 damage each, can the talent be activated twice for 6 strain and reduce each hit? It mentions “When the character suffers a hit”, so I assume it can be activated multiple times.
- The Duelist’s Training talent on p. 100 seems weak. You pay 10 xp for a talent that occasionally grants a benefit, but otherwise works as a disadvantage. I haven’t played with the talent yet, but to be fair I would skip it, so I probably never will.
- On p. 194, under Becoming Force Sensitive, it seems to say that if you don’t start with a career from Force and Destiny, you must first take one of the universal Force specializations from the other two core rulebooks before you can take a career from Force and Destiny. That means it would be a minimum of 60 xp put into just specializations for a character from Edge or Age to take specializations in this new book. I think the specializations in this book should include the “Gain Force Rating 1” line that the Exile and Emergent trees have, rather than only people who choose the associated career getting Force Rating 1 to start. That way, people don’t have to game their character creation as much if they want a characters with specializations from multiple books. For example, the way things are, being a Warrior: Aggressor who wants the Marauder tree from the Hired Gun Career only needs to spend 30 xp. A Hired Gun: Marauder who wants the Aggressor tree from the Warrior career needs to spend 60 xp, picking up Exile or Emergent along the way. That doesn’t seem fair.
Sorry if this stuff has been mentioned already.
Edit: I just realized that there are multiple boards for the F&D beta. Sorry for posting this here. Some of these would probably better fit in the Game Mechanics or Proofreading sections.
Edited by MrBaldwin