Attached Command Icons

By SynnerG, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Do cards that have Command Icons lose them if they become attachments? Examples from Tau: Stealth Cadre and Gun Drones are Army units with Command Icons like any other, but can be added as attachments to other units. Do they lose the icons for command struggle consideration or do they keep them are are kind of like the Promotion attachment now?

Only units command icons are counted. Unless of course the attached card says otherwise.

(And there is nothing in the rules that says a unit automatically "gains" the command icons of anything attached to it.)

I agree with these guys opinion on this, but I say opinion as there isn't anything to say they don't count in the manual.

Or is there?

Page 24, 3.5

Ready Units only matter for the command struggle. When those cards are attached to another unit they are not units, they are attachments.

yeah, that clause doesn't say anything about the command icons, it says they are not units. So no attacking or being targets of normal attacks.

I get what your saying, but this will be asked for constantly over the life of the game. You wait, this so isn't the last time this question will come up.

The short faq should be "attachments consist solely of the attachments cards text box, witch is added as a amendment to the attached cards text box."

Edited by booored

I'm not sure what part of only ready units count for the command struggle makes you think there is any valid argument to the contrary that supports attachments counting. Attachments are obviously not ready units.

I don't think that.. I am saying it is going to cause problems and be asked about constantly as new people come into the game. It may be obvious to you and me,, but mark my words.. this same question will be asked regularly.

Edited by booored

I don't think that..

I think Toq's comment simply came because it looked like you were still tagging the answer as "opinion," even though the rules section quoted documents the answer as fact.

I don't think we actually need an FAQ entry on this. I think most people, when pointed to the appropriate section of the RRG, will understand that the command icons do not transfer - just like the ATK and HP of the attachment don't transfer (which everyone seemed to get without a reference to rules text). Even a question that is asked a lot by new players doesn't need an entry in the FAQ if the basic rules documents answer it unambiguously enough.

Also, search funtion. Yay! :D