Using stamina in Combat and Skill rolls - house rule

By Morthe, in Runebound

We are thinking about using Stamina in combat and skill rolls:

When you roll dice (combat or skill), you can take X Exhaust to increase your roll by X. The maximum value of X is used Hero's ability (Mind, Body, or Spirit) actual value (unmodyfied by Items or Allies) or his Stamina (which value is less).

Example: Mordrog has abilities 1/1 - 5/2 - 1/1 (Mind - Body - Spirit) and Stamina 3. He can increse his ranged attack maximally by 1 and take 1 Exhaust (he has Mind=1); or he can increase his melee attack maximally by 3 and take 3 Exhaust (his Body=5 but Stamina=3, so 3 is correct value), etc.

It's good or bad idea? Do you see any problems about this? Or have you any improvements to this?

How about making life points usable once you run out of stamina?