We are thinking about using Stamina in combat and skill rolls:
When you roll dice (combat or skill), you can take X Exhaust to increase your roll by X. The maximum value of X is used Hero's ability (Mind, Body, or Spirit) actual value (unmodyfied by Items or Allies) or his Stamina (which value is less).
Example: Mordrog has abilities 1/1 - 5/2 - 1/1 (Mind - Body - Spirit) and Stamina 3. He can increse his ranged attack maximally by 1 and take 1 Exhaust (he has Mind=1); or he can increase his melee attack maximally by 3 and take 3 Exhaust (his Body=5 but Stamina=3, so 3 is correct value), etc.
It's good or bad idea? Do you see any problems about this? Or have you any improvements to this?