There's a sidebar in the Force section of the book that describes allowing powerful NPCs and players to resist Force powers. Some examples are rolling Discipline vs. Athletics when trying to pull the blaster out of someone's hand with Move as your opponent tries to retain their grip, while another is of using Resilience to resist being tossed around bodily by the Move power, and another describes using Deception or Charm along with Influence in a social setting (personally, I don't see the need for this one, since we already have Influence adding dice to your social skill checks, which are themselves already opposed, as well as mind trick being Discipline vs. Discipline, but maybe this is referring to the 'cause strain' usage of the power), or Vigilance vs. something when using Seek.
The panel suggests that this be reserved for PCs and nemeses, and occasionally the "plot-important, named rival."
Personally, I really like this addition, as it didn't sit well with me that many Force powers were unopposed, because it makes some things much too easy, can result in some silly situations (I use Move to disarm you, then you use Move to disarm me, back and forth), and because I disliked that Force powers largely worked outside of the narrative dice idea at the center of FFG Star Wars.
What do all of you think?