Flight from Moria advance throught the quest cards

By Mndela, in Rules questions & answers

1. If you explore a quest card from Flight from Moria (like Heading Up, for example), the new quest card ir face up or you put it face down?

2. If you exhaust a hero with Tools engaged in refresh phase to place a progress token on the Escape from Darkness but there is an active location, can you do it anyway?

3. New Devilry: when you change the quest card, the new is faced up or not?


1. always face down before face up. And the text on the cards prenvent you to turn it face up directly.

2. If there is an active location, the progress from Abandoned Tools should go on the active location. The only time an active location does not act as a “buffer” for the quest is if the card specifically instructs you to “bypass the active location.”

You can explore the active location through questing normally though

3. reveal means to turn it face up.

Ok, thanks for the clarifications. I was wrong...