Based upon a quick idea that I discussed with Andy Fischer after he ran a fun F&D demo on Sunday...
Instead of everyone starting at a base of 50, each PC rolls two 10 sided dice, and then subtracting the second number from the first number to get their starting Morality score. Doing so cuts down all the PCs from having identical Morality scores in the first session, which can make things tough on the GM if he rolls a 0 on the d10 to see which PCs have their Morality triggered and also serves as a nod to how only one PC's Obligation (EotE) or Duty (AoR) can trigger, and as such that PC whose Obligation/Duty got triggered has a more important role in the story.
As an example, let's take Heru Po'whell, a Human Guardian/Soresu Defender. Under the current rules, he's got a starting Morality value of 50 (he took the +10 XP option at character creation). Using the above change proposed, I roll two d10's, and get a 6 on the first die, and a 2 on the second die. Subtracting the 2 from the 6, I get a result of 4, which changes Heru's starting Morality to 54; obviously he's been a good boy prior to the campaign starting.
As a second example, let's look at Dera Nurano, a Human Sentinel/Shadow. I roll a 4 on the first die and a 9 on the second die. Subtracting 9 from 5, I get a result of -5, which changes Dera's starting Morality to 45; past events pushed her to take darker options, but maybe she'll be able to mend her ways after the campaign starts.