I've noticed a lot of curiosities surrounding the Medicae skill, and perhaps some are not as unusual as it seems...
First off, it seems fairly scarce, as far as abilities go. Considering that Psykers can take 'Heal' at level one, and it's better at healing than all but the most talented Medicae (Though it risks Daemon-ism...), it seems odd that nobody can take Medicae until level 2, and then it's only one class not known for having high intelligence. On the other hand, at level 4 Adepts can suddenly take all 4 upgrades involving Medicae, going from nothing to a +30 with bonus healing in 400 Xp.
Meanwhile, a Medkit is the only 'Official' medical tool, and it gives a +20 to Medicae tests. Since it only effectively costs 30 thrones, there's absolutely no reason not to buy it. (Yes, officially it costs 150, but it comes with 6 free doses of Stimm which normally will cost you 120 Thrones.)
So, while most classes can hardly do a thing for Medicae, taking forever to get anywhere, other times you can get to a +50 bonus in the space of 30 thrones and 400 XP.
It just seems weirdly misbalanced. It's not *unbalanced*, just damned odd.