Some of these are slightly edited versions of other people's ideas. Most are my own though. I made two sets of 8, since I never play with enough people to need a 9, and I would like advice on how to match them all up.
1) Spy
Announce a character you wish to impersonate. When that character is called, if nobody has that character, you may use that character's power.
1) Fortune Teller
You receive one gold for each special (purple) district in your city. Announce a character you wish to doom. That character may not take an action or build a district this round.
2) Musician
Any player may pay you one gold to draw a card.
2) Rogue
Whenever a player takes gold, take one of his gold. Whenever a player draws district cards, look at that player's hand and take one card into your hand.
3) Warlock
Take an extra action at the end of your turn.
3) Sorcerer
You receive one gold for each special (purple) district in your city. After you take an action, take an extra gold or draw an extra card and put it into your hand.
4) Prince
You receive one gold for each noble (yellow) district in your city. When the prince is called, auction the crown.
4) Advisor
You receive one gold for each noble (yellow) district in your city. When the Advisor is called, the player with the most gold receives the crown.
5) Templar Knight
You receive one gold for each religious (blue) district in your city. Each player may invest one or two gold in you.
5) Inquisitor
You receive one gold for each religious (blue) district in your city. Each player without a religious district in their city must pay you one gold.
6) Street Peddler
You receive one gold for each trade (green) district in your city. You may take a card from the discard pile into your hand instead of taking an action.
6) Pirate
You receive two gold for each trade (green) district in your city.
7) Farmer
You may destroy one of your districts to take its value in gold from the bank.
7) Blacksmith
When the Blacksmith is called, you may build a district for free, then immediately end your turn.
8) Ambassador
You receive one gold for each military (red) district in each player’s city.
8) Tyrant
You receive one gold for each military (red) district in your city. You may destroy the district of your choice worth four or less in any player’s city who does not pay you one gold.
Edited by Pinkzeppelincult