The topic just about covers it. I haven't cared about star trek in years, why bother now?
Is the new star trek movie worth seeing?
I have friends who say yes, 'n I have friends who say no.
Ironically, the ones who say yes aren't Trekkies, 'n the one's who say no are.
Me, I'd say go see it. I'm not a Trekkie, but I do know a few things that have happen'd in the series 'n can state that it'll be entertainin to watch, certainly.
I think it is definitely worth seeing...
so it depends how much a trekkie you are? interesting. Ok, I've never been a real big trekkie and havent watched anything in years, so I guess I would fall into the catagory of people who would like it. Thanks for the insight Choitz
I havn't seen the movie. I might. The problem was that I never understood Star-Trek or Star-Wars thing. I Got confused in the middle of the movie from the plot. I mostly spaced out from the Movie or Fell asleep. I can't help it.
Its worth it.
I like the trek series, but i enjoy the change. This movie show us that we are in 2009...
it's a 50/50 for me i dont know if id like it