Card Storage

By JusMark, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

I know this has probably been asked a million times before, so apologies if I'm boring you but as a new-comer to LCGs (I've always been put off by initial outlay because I get interested two years in!) I would like to ask how you guys store cards for these games?

I play CCGs but since the majority of my collections for those are jank they're just sorted into boxes. I wondered if it would be best to get a binder/folders and if so what kind is recommended?

My only other LCG is Netrunner. I just use a sectioned box designed for card storage (and sleeves for all my cards, even the ones not currently in use). The box is designed for 5000 cards, so I still have a lot of room to fill.

As I won't be expanding Conquest so quickly, I'll probably stick to just keeping them all in the original box to begin with, and transfer them to better storage when I eventually start picking up Warpacks.

There are basically 3 ways to go...

1) Binders (the best way stop reading now)

2) Dividers in the Core Set box

3) Tuck Boxes that fit into the core set box or on the shelf.


This in my experience is the best way to go. You can get sheets of pockets that go into any ring binder. These pockets are able to fit 3x of any card sleeved with ease and really up to 4 no problem. You can squeeze in more, but I like to have 4 for each pocket.

The coolest thing about binders is that the cards are on display. You can just flip the pages like a book and see the card, show them off, make your decks. Also as every card has a "spot" as you play you get to know where things are and very quickly flip around.

I like to keep mine in card number order, then extension number, but split into factions. This way if you want a core set card, go to the front of your faction folder folder.. need one from the 1st cycle, just turn the page. Have each faction never share the same page so you can easily place new pages in the binder... end of story.

The other really cool thing about binders is for people that sleeve their cards (that IS everybody right...). Sleeving cards can become expensive, consisting of a large chunk of the total cost of the set. By keeping the cards sleevless in binders you save a ton of money. What I do is only sleeve them as I pull them out and put them in decks, if they go back in they go back in sleeved. What you end up with is a protected collection but only the best cards, the cards you in fact use are sleeved.



The other really common way is to use dividers in your core set boxes. You can make them extremely easily with Foam Core or there is a number of accessories type stores where you can buy pre-built inserts.

A lot of people like this approach, as it utilities the cool looking core set boxes.. but for me the problem is you can not see the cards. Managing them all becomes a real ass pain and finding the exact card you want can be tricky.


This is a cheap divider made from cardboard and gaffer tape. The more hardcore people use larger divider cards to help with the problem of organization. Note the dividers in the box on the 1st image below.


This method doesn't work for me but if you put the effort in then you can achieve pretty narly results.


As I said you can also buy professionally made accessories for your dividers to fit LCG boxes.. lost of places sell them.. this is from "The Broken Token" board game supplies.


Tuck Boxes

You can make small deck boxes, split up your collection into semi peppermint decks or say a box for events and a box for demons or w/e. I do not recommend this either. There are a ton of online tools for creating truck box plans. ( for example)



Also you can buy tuckboxes.. or more commonly large single card boxes. A lot of people do this. Just note that these 800 card boxes I show can fit in a core set box 3 times.


Like box storage, tuck boxes also have the same problem were you can not in fact see the cards. You also spend a ton of time putting the card in the right order and a mess up can mean ages of repacking or ages of pulling cards out and not being able to find the ones you need for your deck. IMO, binders are the ONLY solution that makes sense. Just make sure you get large ring binders like in the image I posted.

Edited by booored

Good advice, thanks very much! :)

I'd just like to point out that the Conquest box is way too "short" to store cards on their sides like that. Seriously, I'll post up a pic to demonstrate sometime tonight (I hope) but it is shorter, thinner and more shallow than the other LCG Core Set boxes that FFG made in the past. It is much shorter than the Netrunner Core box, the Star Wars core box, etc. You cannot turn cards on their edge and store them in the core set box. The cards must be laid flat and stacked in order to all fit in the box. I was quite disappointed.

The only Card Games like this I play are ancient...Rage and the CCG Illuminati. I store three of each type of card in Binders, and then the rest I put in boxes.

I LOVE the binder format. Most folks do.

I put all cards in binders. Each signature squad will have a page with their warlord and then three of each card will go acros a line per page. Binders is the way to go easy to organize and find cards.

Edited by Toqtamish

Wow...that is very convenient. Nine slots to a page.

Wow...that is very convenient. Nine slots to a page.

The only disadvantage is that when the card pool gets huge, you start needing multiple binders and/or large and expensive ones.

My LotR cards (Hero cards only, the enemy cards are all in a large cardboard deckbox) now requires either a 5" D-ring binder or 2-3 2" binders. (10-12 USD for the binder, plus the cost of pages). By comparison, a big BCW card box costs less than $4 for boxes holding up to 5,000 (unsleeved) cards.

If you have the income and the shelf space, binders are the most convenient storage solution. A BCW box may be the cheapest.

I've got a bunch of binders and pages anyway and a book shelf that is just for card gaming stuff so it works out well for me. Plus binders are great for being able to flip through and easily see all the cards. I cannot recommend binders enough if you can do them.

I'm going to do binders (the wife will probably beat me and then make me keep them in some hard to get at location ;) ) but I think that it'll make my life easier that way! Really love those custom gadgets though...

I'd just like to point out that the Conquest box is way too "short" to store cards on their sides like that. Seriously, I'll post up a pic to demonstrate sometime tonight (I hope) but it is shorter, thinner and more shallow than the other LCG Core Set boxes that FFG made in the past. It is much shorter than the Netrunner Core box, the Star Wars core box, etc. You cannot turn cards on their edge and store them in the core set box. The cards must be laid flat and stacked in order to all fit in the box. I was quite disappointed.

That's a huge disappointment. I was hoping to be able to use another Go7Gaming insert or similar like I am with Netrunner and LoTR.

Now I'm torn between using a binder and finding a storage solution that just lets me sleeve all the cards and leave them that way. I went with "sleeve everything" for the hero cards in LoTR, and I certainly do enjoy being able to throw together a new deck or tweak an old one without needing to waste a bunch of time sleeving everything. Takes up a lot more space, though (and the sleeves get expensive).

I typically sort things by faction, type, and cost, so I don't really mind not being able to see all the cards at one go since finding what I need/want is just a matter of quickly leafing through a section (although seeing everything at once would make coming up with new deck ideas a lot quicker).

Only problem I have with binders is they take up a lot of space. I am also disappointed by Darik's news. Before, I have always managed to use the Core Set boxes to keep the cards stacked and take up less space.

I'm glad they shrank the boxes. Old ones were over sized, so much waste. They're not meant for storage, they were for display and to catch your eye.

I'm glad they shrank the boxes. Old ones were over sized, so much waste. They're not meant for storage, they were for display and to catch your eye.

I agree that the core boxes were way too big for what's in them ("four inches of cards in all this?!"), but the benefit was that you could easily fit several cycles of deluxe and small pack expansions in them (I was constructing simple three lane card stock dividers for quite a while, and only recently invested in wood for the LCGs I'm seriously collecting).

Now we're stuck with no option but to find a non-box-related method of card storage immediately, even if we aren't sure if we'll be expanding the game much. :-\

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