Events outside Australia . . .

By mylastnerv, in Anima: Tactics

All the events I seem to see here are in other countries . . . . any places in the US run events for Anima Tactics? Does Fantasy Flight offer any kind of tournament or prize support for events based on this game?

We are growing a growing a group for this game in our local store and I'd love to see some support for it here in the US.

I could just be overlooking everything, so let me know.

Their are plenty of Free Agnets that have been holding events all over the world with the majority being in the US, they just dont really post on this forum.

If you head on over here,

You can check out the Anima Tactics Organized play section to see whose running what games in your local area.

- Raith

Thank you for the information.

Lots of good into on that link.