New GM - WHFRP lite

By player1869801, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Hello there. I'm newbe who considers the possibility of starting playing the game. I usually play online, though, and so much more open to the idea of PDFs + online dice generator than pile of books + heap of stuff. So here goes some points:

1) Full set of Guides has all the basic rules + tables instead of cards that were included in core set and some supplements.

2) There is no cards and no tables for supplements that came out later (Lure of Power, Omens of War, Enemy Within etc.) so buying these PDF are worthless. Am I right?

3) Are there any houserules, fans supplements, or cardsheet scans to fill the lack of information from the point 2? If any of these are posted on this forum you can just mention it - I go look by myself. Just trying to save a little time here by not searching for things that don't even exist.


I'm not a native english speaker, so I apologize for any misspeak in this text. (Well i think at least the previous sentence is certanly broken)))

Edited by NoName1147

House rules are in my Sig (equipment list and some other rules that we play by).


"worthless" re the later boxes and adventures may be a "tad strong" but fairly true. The rules boxes in particular suffer horribly from lack of cards. The disease and mutation cards are given as entries in the hardback GM book so you have the content, could make your own with strange eons etc.

There are no pdf products of cards alone - which is something they might as well do since they're not likely to keep printing more and rather just sell of their existing stock.