More questions

By rubenmaes, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Some questions came up when I went over all the rulebooks and cards again.

1) The treachery card: Frozen Path (trap) says: Place any available Ice marker so that it overlaps that space, is completely on the board, and isn't overlapping any obstacles.

Does this mean you can take a 6- or 4- or 2-square ice marker if you choose so?

2) Does an invisibility potion work differently than an invulnerability potion? In the rulebook it states: a hero cannot have more than one type of potion active at a time. A hero who drinks a new potion while an old potion marker remains on his hero sheet must remove the previously placed marker, which is then replaced by the new one.

This is clear: if you have something like a power potion active and you drink an invisibilty potion you change the power potion for the invisibilty potion. However, for the invisibilty potion is is not stated that: this effect is canceled if the hero drinks another potion before using it.

So in short: Can you drink a health or vitality potion when an invisibility potion is active?

3) From the FAQ: Q: What happens if you are on a lava space at the beginning of your turn and you don’t move?
A: If you begin your turn on a damaging effect, such as lava or a monster’s aura, and do not move off of it, you are damaged by it at the end of your turn.

Is this true for Aura? In this case you don't move into an adjacent space.

Thanks for helping out...

rubenmaes said:

Some questions came up when I went over all the rulebooks and cards again.

1) The treachery card: Frozen Path (trap) says: Place any available Ice marker so that it overlaps that space, is completely on the board, and isn't overlapping any obstacles.

Does this mean you can take a 6- or 4- or 2-square ice marker if you choose so?

2) Does an invisibility potion work differently than an invulnerability potion? In the rulebook it states: a hero cannot have more than one type of potion active at a time. A hero who drinks a new potion while an old potion marker remains on his hero sheet must remove the previously placed marker, which is then replaced by the new one.

This is clear: if you have something like a power potion active and you drink an invisibilty potion you change the power potion for the invisibilty potion. However, for the invisibilty potion is is not stated that: this effect is canceled if the hero drinks another potion before using it.

So in short: Can you drink a health or vitality potion when an invisibility potion is active?

3) From the FAQ: Q: What happens if you are on a lava space at the beginning of your turn and you don’t move?
A: If you begin your turn on a damaging effect, such as lava or a monster’s aura, and do not move off of it, you are damaged by it at the end of your turn.

Is this true for Aura? In this case you don't move into an adjacent space.

Thanks for helping out...

1. Yes. That trap is only worthwhile if you are going for something big to really clog a hallway. Even then, we're at most talking about 3 rolls, none of which might be a surge.

2. I'm pretty sure if you drink any other potion, including health or vitality, that you will lose the effect of the invis potion.

3. It says right in what you quoted that if you don't move off a monster's aura you will take the damage at the end of your turn. Clearly, if you move into a figure's aura space, you will take damage from that space. If you don't move at all, you will take it's aura damage. So, if you're going to move, move away from that monster to avoid taking any aura damage. If you are already next to something with aura and want to battle, make sure you have a fatigue or the ring of quickness, etc.

Feanor said:

2. I'm pretty sure if you drink any other potion, including health or vitality, that you will lose the effect of the invis potion.

I could be wrong, but I'm not so sure about this. Healing and vitality potions are a bit different than power/invisibility/invulnerability. They are instantaneous effects, while the others one have certain triggers that remove them.

This made me realize that I have been playing Aura incorrectly. I always thought that if the character with Aura (say Shiver, for example), moved adjacent to a creature, as opposed to that creature stepping to him, that the creature did NOT take damage. That part is clear in the rules.

However, I was under the impression that from that point on, since the creature had not moved, he was then immune to the aura and could sit next to Shiver turn after turn swatting at him. I guess this is now incorrect, and that the creature would get one free chance to attack, after which he had better move away. That certainly increases aura's power.

Power and Invulnerability potions pretty clearly are removed if you drink any potion (especially power, since no other "persistent" potions existed when it was published).

The rule for removing Invisibility tokens is written generically; e.g. "...while an old potion marker...", "...cannot have more than one type...", etc. The word "invisibility" doesn't even appear in that paragraph. This suggests to me that it's supposed to work the same way as other potions.

Also, it technically says that you must remove the potion marker if you "drink a new potion," not specifically if you drink a potion that leaves a marker. Of course, the sentence ends by saying that the new marker replaces the old one, so one could argue that this is an error.