I like the new rules, but there are still some issues I have with them...
- damage of bows is not in any way related to the users strength, and crossbows should have some kind of penetration (since that is what they were built for in the middle ages - killing knights).
- why is in not possible to "mono" low tech ranged weapons ?
- why does a highborn get 1d5+9 wounds ? Shouldnt it be 8 or even 7 ? They even have a - at Toughness
- the Leadership is awfully underpowered. It should at least be an optional aptitude to psyker for willpower increases (an additional Leadership talent would also help)
- the warhammer seems a little bit too strong compared to the other low tech weapons (+2 would be enough)
- the ag limitations for armours are usually too high to be effective in any way. 5 points lower would suit its reason better. As it is now, your ag is usually much lower anyway
- telepathic link is an awful mix of mind probe and telepathy. It means, neither of both can be done in a good way.
- a lot of good investigative psy powers are missing, especially for divination. What i see is a copy from only war - a war game...
- tripods and bipods can be used for basic weapon but have no use but to limit their use...maybe it should be a pre-requisite to use the accurate weapon trait effectively
- cybernetics have no real downside (insanity points would be a good idea)
-characters are still able to carry too much in my opinion. They should be able to carry less, but giving backpacks a benefit by reducing the weight inside them.
Other than that - great rules so far !