I don't have an issue with allowing the c-roc to dock ships, I'm just curious what ships you would allow to dock to it (similar to how not all ties can dock).
Well for starters there are these.
And I see that the CR90 has the right clamps for A-wings
so I would guess M3-As shouldn't be a problem.
so any of these that would fit I would guess.
- HWK-290
- Kihraxz Fighter
- M3-A Scyk Interceptor
- Mist Hunter
- Most Wanted
- Protectorate Starfighter
- Quadjumper
- StarViper
- Y-Wing
- Z-95 Headhunter
I did a lot of touch ups to the images for those upgrades
and so I think my creative hat is a bit tilted today.
The Gozanti can carry 4 TIE types that fit on the card of those ships that fit on the pegs together, but that seems like a thematic restriction. For the CR90 from Rebels they modified it for 3 A-wings, but the way they are dock they could just as easily be 3 Y-wing. The docking clamps upgrade says up to 4 ships , so I believe it could be any 1-4 scum ship that you can fit there. It also seems more thematic as scum to have it not be a set of the same ships. A combination of any ships even if they don't actually fit on the pegs of the carrier since it is not always practical to have TIE-whatevers hanging there during a game. I suppose a proviso would have to be made that it has to be possible for them to fit under the Gozanti together and perhaps a minimum of two when I think of which single large ship might fit.
Edited by SithShadowPirate