I think this deserves its own thread (its been talked about a little bit in a couple other threads up to this point).
Imperial Assault (hence forth referred to as IA) is FFG's recap of Descent for the Star Wars universe:
Instead of drawing a single line from one corner of the attacker to a single corner of the defender as is currently the rule in Descent. In IA you follow this same rule, however:
You then draw a second line from the same corner of the attacker to an adjacent corner of the defender . The second line cannot intersect the point of contact of the first line, nor can it be blocked by a figure, wall or obstacle. This makes it possible to shoot around corner but not be shot at, as if your hiding behind the wall and leaning around.
I personally think this system is so much better than the first system that there is no comparison. I have never liked the current system as is virtually impossible to find any cover.
Obviously my wording is probably not rulebook perfect, but it gets the point across. The devil is in the details though which need to be fleshed out. In what situations does the wording put this way then not make sense for certain attacks ?
One such situation i thought about was so:
Y X *
X H *
* * *
* being a blank space, H being the attacking hero, X being a monster, Y being the defending monster. According to these line of sight rules Y could not attack H, nor H could attack Y despite being point blank range. Does not seem right to me (though i could change my mind after play-testing it). So a additional rule could be that if attacking an adjacent figure then only a single line needs line of sight.
I can think of loads of different situations that need to be thought through, better wording to be structured and more thought put into this. However i feel this is enough to get the ball rolling on discussion for the moment.
With that said ill leave some examples of current line of sight rules to help the discussion along:
And no line of sight discussion would ever be a LOS discussion without the example of the zombie blocking line of sight to itself: