Hi guys,
Haven't seen this answered, so here it goes:
Tennin Institute's special ability: "When your turn begins, you may place 1 advancement token..."
Does the advancement token come from the bank or does it come from the Corp's credit pool?
Hi guys,
Haven't seen this answered, so here it goes:
Tennin Institute's special ability: "When your turn begins, you may place 1 advancement token..."
Does the advancement token come from the bank or does it come from the Corp's credit pool?
It comes from the bank.
So the Corp effectively saves a buck every time they trigger the ability and can do so even with no credits in pool.
Grand, I hoped this would be the case.
Advancement tokens ALWAYS come from the token bank.
When you use the action
[click],1cr : Advance an installed card that can be advanced
you are paying one credit to the bank, then taking an advancement token and placing it on the card. FFG were kind enough to design the 1cr/advancement tokens as double-sided to expedite the process, but that doesn't change what's happening. The Corp player only ever has credits in his/her credit pool, never advancement tokens. So when you 'place an advancement token' for any reason, it comes from the bank, and if nothing tells you to spend a credit, you don't.
Thanks for the answer! This is what I thought too, but nice to get confirmation. I had this question for Shipment From Kayuga (Wayland, base set).