I'm really hoping that someone can help clarify something for me.
I was browsing through the Character Creation section and something still stands out to me as odd.
For the Adeptus Astra Telepathica background, you get the choice of either "Defence" or "Psyker" as a Background Aptitude.
It seems like the "Psyker" aptitude is useless on it's own. Any skill (eg. Psyniscience) or talent that uses "Psyker" as an aptitude also also requires the character to be a Psyker or to have a Psy Rating. However, if you choose the Psyker Elite Advance, you immediately get the Psyker aptitude anyways.
Essentially, taking the "Psyker" Background Aptitude to make a non-Psyker character is useless, but taking it and then making a Psyker character gives you the Psyker aptitude again (essentially a free characteristic aptitude of choice). This seems a little bizarre...
It seems like non-Psykers with the Adeptus Astra Telepathica background have the choice between Defence or something useless to them, but Psykers get the choice between Defence or any other characteristic aptitude...
Am I missing something here?
Edited by enentol