I have only read the Morality rules one time, and not really started to dwell on them yet. They appear to be fairly neutral. Everyone starts as a "Light Side Force User" and there is a way to become a "Dark Side Force User", and there is even a way to redeem oneself and become a "Light Side Force User" again. Everything is fluid, and easy to switch between the "sides" mechanically (story wise, though, is another story). What does this really govern, mechanically? Well, it governs which force points you use, and which you have to spend a DP and Strain to use. And if you are a paragon of either "Light" or "Dark" then you have an affect on the party, in addition to some affects you have on yourself. Sure, they are not so nice to the "Dark" side, but this is Star Wars, where the "Light" side is supposed to win, so of course mechanically, the "Dark" side will have a harder time. How is this shown? Well, a little less available Strain (sorta lining up with ruled by passion rather than logic meme), and a slightly greater chance at the GM having more Destiny points to play with than the party in the beginning.
I would say give the mechanic a chance to work. I would not apply it to anyone OTHER THAN a Force Sensitive Character. Characters do not HAVE to have all of Obligation, Duty, and Morality. They could _choose_ to have them, but I would not require it as a GM.
As far as the "roleplay policing" thing, that feels to me like a cop out on the part of the player in question. I have been in plenty of games where roleplay had ZERO mechanical effect, and people's characters never had any consequence to their actions. If my character is constantly killing innocents, or taking other actions that are "Dark side" flavored, eventually, the numbers will end up with them slipping into the "Dark Side Paragon" section of the spectrum. This is only appropriate for the character, based on the actions taken. The system does not take the character away from the player (as West End did), it merely changes the mechanic that is being used. This, to me, is not policing, but showing the changes associated with being dedicated to "Light Side" principles, being generally neutral, or being dedicated to "Dark Side" principles. If the player of a Force Sensitive character is not willing to roleplay the morality of The Force and how it affects the character, then maybe the problem is with the player, and not the system? All taking away the Morality mechanic from the system will do is allow Force Sensitive characters to behave how they want without additional repercussions landing on their character's heads... Where is the fun in that?
Actually, you start as neutral, neither light side nor dark side. If your morality goes below 30 you "go dark" and above 70 is when you're light side. 30-70 is the neutral zone. It's a pretty good mechanic that can be applied to anyone, regardless of Force-sensitivity—or lack thereof.
It's a mechanic that can be agreed upon by the table, and thus your character must use it…just like all Edge characters "must" have obligation or all Age characters "must" have duty, because that's what the table agreed to (lack of contention in this case is assent).
It's like the Paragon/Renegade scale/system in Bioware games…in the middle is just 'meh' but the extremes have specific and tangible benefits. However, there is very little benefit to being dark for no-Force-sensitive characters, as the main benefit is being able to use dark side pips without spending a DP or strain.