Damaging vehicles?

By Glacier, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Hello all!

It strikes me as odd that most vehicles has so much armour.

An example is the Guncutter which has a front, side and rear armour of 40, 35 and 30.

When looking through weapons (hand-held and vehicle-mounted weapons), I couldn't find any weapons that could reliably do more than scratch the paint of the rear on a Guncutter.

(Other than a multi-melta)

In the Tabletop game, Krak missiles, Auto-cannons and a lot of other weapons could relatively easy bring down a flier or other light to medium armoured vehicles.

Have I misread or overseen anything? I want to give my players a Guncutter, but they shouldn't feel like it is invulnerable and should take care not to fly into too much Flak.

I hope someone can shed some light on this...


Nope, that's correct.

Appearantly, nobody spotted the problem until the Only War open Beta, wherein armour values for vehicles were dialed back a bit.

That said, lascannons will actually go through armour 40 (average 37.5 damage + 10 pen IIRC), though admittedly not impressively so.

I personally see it as a bit of another excuse to bubble-wrap your characters, so that they are not one-shotted by jerks who hijack the defense turrets of a landing area, or something. The game will make sure that you can be shot, and possibly even hurt, but still get the opportunity to run away, fly lower, and try to land in cover, or something; it can be annoying when you want to kill an enemy, but a godsend when it's you, and I think many of the things in these books are written to cater to you, the player, such as lowest-possible opposition almost every time they write someone up, or such. My opinion only, of course.

Gun cutters need at least -5 to all armour values, if not a -10 to be balanced. Currently they feel more like Thunderhawk gunships which they are most certainly outclassed by in the fluff but no in the crunch. Bear in mind however that vehicles are very easy to hit and so on weapons with Accurate traits is easy to roll more die and more die = more chance of righteous fury.

In our game we actually corrected this issue on the other side, by recalibrating the weapon damages to be more in line with the fluff/table top. Which means increasing (sometimes vastly) nearly everything bigger than a shotgun, to create a more smooth transition from lasgun to lascannon in damage dice.

Of course the other side effect of this is, combats are really short, as few non-horde targets can take more than a couple of hits from the PC's "Standard Issue Anti-Tank Pistol".