another noob question

By Lilikin, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Sorry two in one night but I have another game on thursday and I wanted to post these before I forget.

ok here is my question, I had a hero at my tender mercy in tonights game (last 3 wounds) and I moved my red beastman in for the kill which was interrupted from another players guard order (fair enough) this player after shooting and slightly wounding my red beastman said they had a special ability saying they could shoot again if they spend 2 fatigue. The manual says she is only allowed one attach for an interrupt so how does this lay out, the card mentioned a 'turn' but not whose turn.

I checked the FAQ and can't see anything anyone got any enlightenment on this subject?

AFAIK the second shot is allowed.

From da FAQ:

Q: When making an attack with the Guard order, can a hero use abilities such as Cleave that grant extra attacks? What about other special abilities?

A: When making a Guard attack, a hero retains access to all appropriate special abilities unless otherwise indicated. This includes abilities such as Cleave, Quick Casting, and Rapid Fire that may grant an extra attack.

Yes, she can use it.

A closer reading of the rapid fire (or quick casting) card will give you all the answer you need. In both cases, it says you may use after making an attack of the appropriate type. When you discard your guard order you make an interrupt attack , meaning you can now make additional attacks with your power. Cleaving wouldn't work in your example, only because cleaving requires a killing blow, but the others are certainly allowed.