
By Artaxerxes2, in Support

Anyway to search specific subforums rather than having to search the entire lot?

I am missing this functionality too. It's annoying!

Yep, this would be a great help so as not to duplicate topics.


This has been an ongoing issue since the forum started. Dont expect anything to change soon.

Artaxerxes said:

Anyway to search specific subforums rather than having to search the entire lot?

Indeed, that is the most retarded search function I have ever seen. We are back to the beginning of Internet, only with lot more contents to search.

It basically makes the forum unusable, as you always end up with way too many answers that have no relation to what your are really searching.

We would need the following improvements:

Advanced search, with OR and AND keywords, instead of defaulting to OR (which makes the result page even more cluttered wit useless stuff), and exact phrases.

Search a specific forum

Search the whole messages or just the topics.

Limit the search results to posts written after a given date.

It shouldn't be that hard, as every other internet forum comes with these functions now.