First off we are playing a radical game full of Oblationists with mixed Dark Hershey, Rogue Trader, and Only war characters. We recently took out quite a few Chaos Marines in ship and more personal combat. We have enough untainted progenoids (a very small percent of what we collected), weapons, and armor for a dozen marines.
My Tech priests current plan with Forbidden Knowledge Astartes, Trade: Forge Master, and Medicae is to convert our Ships complement of Storm Troops into Quasi Space marines over time (using very young people on the ship to undergo the process). I thought I would restyle the armor as Black Shields to possibly reduce the amount of questions asked. Maybe with the final result of increases the troop competence level by 10, to keep it simple.
Anyone else have any ideas of what we could Chaos Marine Power Armor and Progenoids? We already got permission from the DM to convert the Legion armor to human sized power armor (with enough time and Tech-Use), but there are no takers. I might have some fun with the unlimited armor power packs.