Quick Question about outdoor encounters

By Gropp, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Elven Sails then :) Yeah, that only allows them to travel two water trails, and there's no water trails without encounters. If they also add a Triton Figurehead, it's possible to choose a trail with just one die, and then modify that so they do not have to roll a die - technically, they have to roll, but they have to do it with zero dice.

Like that, it is indeed possible and legal to travel two trails without rolling.

For reference, the Elven Sails text also mentions: "They only make 1 encounter check, choosing which trail they are traveling on to check for encounters."

but heroes want to have encounters 70% of the time Oo

lol do u have the slightest clue about what you are saying, its sounds as though if there are only 6 red encounters it means that they were ment to be avoided anyway?

svarun said:

lol do u have the slightest clue about what you are saying, its sounds as though if there are only 6 red encounters it means that they were ment to be avoided anyway?

Please do not resort to name calling, it is uncalled for and only shows your lack of arguments.

  1. The rules are clear, your arguments so far were merely based on fluff and your ideas about what the game should be.
  2. Red encounters can be avoided if the party chooses to spend a large sum for being able to avoid them. If the party spends even more money, they can make the other travels less eventful, too.
  3. As was pointed out (and I admit that this was my first though as well), in many situations the party prefers the conquest and XP that they can gain from encounters to an uneventful travel, so they'll choose the red one if they can.
  4. There are only 1-2 encounters that only occur in red trails (one of which is, IIRC, "free skill yay"), and the chance for an encounter on yellow trails is only 16% lower than on red ones. Consequently, even if all the red encounter checks can be avoided, this is no big deal.

Also in SoB, there are no land encounters, only sea encounters.

The text says ""They only make 1 encounter check, choosing which trail they are traveling on to check for encounters."

Key words : They only make 1 encounter check so i guess they have to make the check for the only encounter existent if the seccond trail doesn't have an encounter.

There is a trail without encounter check the map.

and maybe say which trail it is?

I don't know the witch trail it is i don't have the game on me, but it's the same way with the whirlpool.

What i'm saying is the card is meant to reduce the number of encounters from 2 to 1 when crossing 2 trails that's why it says "The heroes make only 1 encouter check". The heroes may choose the trail to check for encounters, but i don't think that the trail without an encounter is a valid choice cause the overlord can't make the check there and the card says that they "make" an encounter choice .

its still a invalid point because there is no trail without encounter in road to legend.

There are actually two water trails without encounters in Sea of Blood. So the point is not that moot at all.

haslo said:

There are actually two water trails without encounters in Sea of Blood. So the point is not that moot at all.

In SoB there seems to be 1 water trail and 2 secret trails without an encounter as far i can tell after looking at the map.
RtL seems to be complete, all trails are with an encounter.

Unfortunately you're not going to get an official answer any time soon. I'd suggest discussing it with your group and going with the majority decision. In the meantime you can send the question through the rules link at the bottom of the page, and then change your house rule if it ends up conflicting with what the group opted for. Even if everyone else on the planet agrees with your interpretation, if your entire group disagrees then it's probably best to go with them.

Yeah i wrote to rules question and i guess i'll wait an answer

and my entire group are all heroes and of course they will not see my point :)

I have another question about "elven sail", still waiting for an answer for the first one from moderators.

It also say that the revenge has one extra movement in encounter, well they are 3 type of movements there : wind, current and managing the ship, where is that extra movement applies ? If it's elven sail i think it's just like having another sail raised .