XPs for the heroes..

By TheHunterBoy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi again...

Well, the campaign is moving on, the party killed some little OL's guys but...now I've got this question for the panel: every time they (the party, I mean) kill a level boss in the dungeon, must they gain ONLY 2 XPs at all or 2 XPs per hero?? And for the same reason is the reward in coins 100 or 400???

Very unclear trouble.....but fantastic game!! I love it!!

TheHunterBoy said:

Hi again...

Well, the campaign is moving on, the party killed some little OL's guys but...now I've got this question for the panel: every time they (the party, I mean) kill a level boss in the dungeon, must they gain ONLY 2 XPs at all or 2 XPs per hero?? And for the same reason is the reward in coins 100 or 400???

Very unclear trouble.....but fantastic game!! I love it!!

The reward is 100 gold to the PARTY for the level bosses on levels 1 and 2. Level 3 gives 250 gold, again to the party.

The party gets 2 Conquest for killing the Level 1/2 bosses, 4 Conquest for the Level 3 boss. And its for each boss, so if a level has two bosses they get it for killing each. Same with the gold.

There is a difference between Conquest and Experience. Heroes actually never gain Experience. They gain Conquest, which is then turned into Experience at the end of the dungeon/encounter.

For each Conquest gained by the Heroes, each Hero gains 1XP at the end of the dungeon/encounter. So if they gain 17 Conquest in a dungeon, each Hero gets 17 XP at the end. Its important to keep two accounts, since Conquest determines the campaign level but the Heroes spend XP.

Big Remy said:

For each Conquest gained by the Heroes, each Hero gains 1XP at the end of the dungeon/encounter. So if they gain 17 Conquest in a dungeon, each Hero gets 17 XP at the end. Its important to keep two accounts, since Conquest determines the campaign level but the Heroes spend XP.

So, for example.......

1) expolring new location: 1 CT for the party and 1 XP each hero (that means a total of 4 XPs)

2) killing boss of 1st level of the dungeon: 2 CT (total 3) and 2 XPs per hero (plus 1 gained previously for exploring new dungeon give 3 XPs each hero: 12 XPs in total...)

Assuming the OL has 5 Conquest points collected so far, the exact amount of CT in play is 8 (3 party + 5 OL) or 17 ( 12 party + 5 OL) ??

TheHunterBoy said:

So, for example.......

1) expolring new location: 1 CT for the party and 1 XP each hero (that means a total of 4 XPs)

2) killing boss of 1st level of the dungeon: 2 CT (total 3) and 2 XPs per hero (plus 1 gained previously for exploring new dungeon give 3 XPs each hero: 12 XPs in total...)

Assuming the OL has 5 Conquest points collected so far, the exact amount of CT in play is 8 (3 party + 5 OL) or 17 ( 12 party + 5 OL) ??

The correct amount of Conquest is 8

The correct amount of XP for each Hero is 3 (1 from the location, 2 from the 1st level boss) and the OL has 5 XP.

The OL conversion is easy. Whatever he has for CT, is what he has or XP prior to spending it on anything. Its with the Heroes that people get tripped up at times. Each Hero has their own XP "account", and the Party has a CT "account".

So for example, if the Party has 40 CT, then each Hero has 40XP. If then two of the Heroes go train for a skill, the Party still has 40 CT. Heroes A and B who did not train still have 40XP each, but Heroes C and D have spent 20XP, so they each have 20 left over.

This is why you need to run two accounts, one for the CT and one for the XP.

Conquest collects and is never lost. XP collects at the same rate as conquest, but is spent for upgrades and skills and is spent individually by hero for whatever that hero buys. The only thing the whole party spends xp on are tamalir upgrades (I recommend raising your market rating first).

Keep in mind you also gain CP/XP for activating glyphs (3), and if you open a chest and no treasure draws (blank on one of the 4 power dice) are awarded (1 for this). Encounter bosses are like early level leader (100 gold total and 2 cp (which is 2xp per hero), and lts. are like last level leaders (250 gold plus 4 cp).

Use conquest markers to keep tally of conquest gained while in a dungeon, but then write it down. The sheets provided will give you a place for each heroes xp as well as the total party conquest. Look at the example of this sheet in the rulebook, which is available under the support section from the descent main page, and it should hopefully make sense to you.

Great! So, we played the right way....

Thank you!

Hope to find you for the upcoming doubts along the campaign...!

I must have missed this specific catch of 'at the end of the encounter'... is it still the 'end' if the heroes flee? Meaning they could gain some conquest by getting partway through a dungeon, flee, and still have 3 XP or so?

Also, on bgg is a larger campaign sheet that someone made up in word. It's much easier to deal with than the miniscule forms included in the box.

Veinman said:

I must have missed this specific catch of 'at the end of the encounter'... is it still the 'end' if the heroes flee? Meaning they could gain some conquest by getting partway through a dungeon, flee, and still have 3 XP or so?

Also, on bgg is a larger campaign sheet that someone made up in word. It's much easier to deal with than the miniscule forms included in the box.

It really doesn't matter when it becomes xp, since you can't spend xp unless you are training in a town/secret master area. I generally consider the heroes to be gaining xp as they are gaining cp, but you can't train while in the dungeon or encounter, so it's hardly worth debating.

FFG has the printable campaign sheet under the support section of the descent web page. It's also bigger, but doesn't fit as easily into the little bitty boxes.

Gotcha, I was just making sure that they didn't have to "finish" a dungeon to receive any benefit.