Any thoughts on this? I suppose there are two opposing views:-
1. Guardsmen never retire. They fight on until they die. All guardsmen are locked into what amounts to a death sentence, doomed to martyr themselves gloriously in the service of the God-Emperor.
2. Guardsmen are like any other Imperial servant: they will be given rejuvenat treatment proportional to their importance. Those who have reached the end of their useful life are given the right to retire in peace.
Personally, although the former is nice and grimdark (and no doubt applies in some theatres of war) on the whole I prefer the latter. Dan Abnett's treatment of the guard certainly deals with them in a manner analogous to a 21st century army, with pay, breaks for r&r etc. Retirement fits this pattern. Canonically, successful regiments get to run conquered worlds; arguably this is a type of retirement.
What do you think?
Edited by Lightbringer