Ref movement and desease token

By kinor, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Hi everybody.

During a match this afternoon between the chaos dwarves and the nurgles, we met a slight problem concerning the ref movement.

The other manager put a disease token at midfield with the spread disease capacity at the second chosen matchup. The ref was commited to this matchup and i decided to commit a player on it (star power of 3). I was going to receive the disease token as mentionned by the rules and i wondered if the ref should move according to the star power before the disease token (movement of 3) or after the disease token (movement of 2) ?

Thanks for your answers.

Edited by kinor

OK, I thought it was going to be tricky to answer this, but I found out that it's not :)

The rules actually say that the referee moves an amount of space that equals the PRINTED standing star power. Even if your player has a -1 from the disease token, his PRINTED star power is still the original value.

Sometimes, i should READ the rules closer ! Thanks a lot.

No worries. Sometimes we miss out things in the rules too even if it's blatantly clear :)