
By Amanal, in Star Wars: Armada

Will the missions be symetrical? By that I mean will both sides have equal points and equal objectives?

Given that the objectives are drawn at the start of the game could they not be asymetric, one side gets more points but a harder victory condition to match?

I think there are a few good reasons to go asymetrical, as you then have more scope to provide more variety of mission. Also, the trun restriction or game length restrictoin could make the idea work better than playing a non-limited game where the out numbered side will just get a hiding.

I'm certainly hoping for asymmetric missions. It much better fits the feel of the universe.

I'm certainly hoping for asymmetric missions. It much better fits the feel of the universe.


The true worth of any gaming system is its ability or inability to stand up (be workable) when asymmetric factors are present in certain battles.

Having said this, I honestly believe that FFG will do a fine job in this manner. :)

Evacuation of Hoth. Guarantee it.

Evacuation of Hoth. Guarantee it.

YES!!!!! :D


Well, let's look at the revealed missions:

"Most Wanted: After deploying fleets, the second player's flagship becomes and objective ship. The second player chooses one of the first player's ships to be an objective ship." - Capture your opponent's objective ship. Looks fairly symmetrical.

"Navigational Hazards: A player gains 1 victory token when an opponent's ship is dealt at least 1 damage card from moving through or overlapping an obstacle." - Seems fairly symmetrical as well.

"Contested Outpost: Place obstacles as normal, excluding the stattion. Then the second player places the station (...)" and we can see something about "...(shi)ps at the range 1... (w)ith the highest..." in the End of Game section. - Seems like a fairly symmetrical match of King of the Hill.

But, judging by what we've seen in the special missions for X-Wing, there's little doubt they'll give us some asymmetrical stuff, like a rebel strike against a secret space station or convoy escort.