I just beat this guy and was wonder how the reward is played out . I draw market cards until I get a weapon or armor worth 6 or less. I have a armor already but no weapon . If I draw a armor and like it better than the one I have can I discard the one I have for the other one, I think I can only have 1 armor . Then the last part of reward says take this card for free and reshuffle the market deck . I don't know what that means. I'm assuming I can draw from market deck and keep carnivorous flora for a ally or something because it doesn't say either/or for reward . Anyway, hope you guys are still monitoring this forum . I just got runebound second edition and going through first play solo and having a blast so far. This is the first card I ran across was puzzled. Thanks!
Carnivorous flora
I just beat this guy and was wonder how the reward is played out . I draw market cards until I get a weapon or armor worth 6 or less. I have a armor already but no weapon . If I draw a armor and like it better than the one I have can I discard the one I have for the other one, I think I can only have 1 armor .
You can carry as many armor cards as you like, but you can only have one equipped (ie: in use) at a time. The others just sit uselessly in your pack until you sell them or change which one you have equipped.
Then the last part of reward says take this card for free and reshuffle the market deck . I don't know what that means.
"This card" means the weapon or armor card you drew from the market deck. You don't have to pay the regular gold cost for the item you drew out of the market deck because you found it in the corpse of this carnivorous plant. Then you shuffle the market deck since you may have seen several cards before finding a weapon or armor card.
The carnivorous plant is discarded as usual (technically to the bottom of the appropriate deck, I think? it's been a while.)
Edited by Steve-Oi thought the rules stated you can have one armor and 2 weapons and 2 allies. If you want another one but are filled you will have to discard or sell at city. I could be wrong but im sure thats what it said. I just checked on page 5 of rulebook, it says 1 armor. What it doesnt say is how many item cards such as artifacts you can have. I guess as many as you want, as long as its not classified as weapon or armor.
Thanks for the card verification. Thant makes sense on the keeping of card. But I think if i have one armor and the first one i draw with cost less than 6 is armor, i may have to choose which one I want and discard other. Thanks again.
i thought the rules stated you can have one armor and 2 weapons and 2 allies. If you want another one but are filled you will have to discard or sell at city. I could be wrong but im sure thats what it said. I just checked on page 5 of rulebook, it says 1 armor. What it doesnt say is how many item cards such as artifacts you can have. I guess as many as you want, as long as its not classified as weapon or armor.
Thanks for the card verification. Thant makes sense on the keeping of card. But I think if i have one armor and the first one i draw with cost less than 6 is armor, i may have to choose which one I want and discard other. Thanks again.
I think Steve-O mixed Runebound with Descent (1st edition).
You can only have 1 Armor, 2 Weapons and 2 Allies at a time, and as many Artifacts as you can acquire. There's no "equipped" concept in Runebound.
If you receive a card as a reward and you already have the maximum number of cards of that type, you must discard one card of that type to take the new one (in your example, discard your current Armor to take the Armor granted by Carnivorous Flora). The option to sell the card for half the price is only valid if you acquire new cards in Town. Allies cannot be sold, of course, only Items.
Thanks guys. Enjoying playing so far. not using any doom variants yet, just solo and learning the game, then once I have it all down Ill throw in some variants. Thanks again.
I think Steve-O mixed Runebound with Descent (1st edition).
Well I've certainly been playing more Descent (2E) than Runebound lately, so I stand corrected on that one.
They're both great games, though!