Armoured regiments and tank crews

By Robin Graves, in Only War

My group has a hard time wrapping it's head around armoured regiments.

Since you only get one Leman-russ per squad, do you all play crewmen? or do some walk outside the tank to scout of fight infantry? Both things have serious drawbacks:

Thank crew:

GM: ok mark you are the loader what do you do this round?"

mark: "uh i loaded the battlecannon last turn, it's still loaded, i got nothing to do.

outside the tank:

Bruce: "so i'm oustide with no armor whatsoever and the rest are inside behind inches of armaplas or whatever, brilliant.

GM: suddenly two Alpha legion space marines throw of their cover and fire a lascannon at the tank. -tank blows up TPK- next squad?

Since a battle cannon has a clip size of 12 does it automatically come with 12 shells? (I asume yes) Does it have storage space for more shells onboard the tank? ( I asume no) What's the action radius of a Leman russ/ or how much fuel does the thing have?

Please share you're experiences, hints and advice regarding armoured regiments...

(PS my group decided on a heavy recon regiment so they each could have their own sentinel and everybody is happy)

Edited by Robin Graves

I would say play as the tank crew, there are plenty of times story wise the players may need to dismount, you can have a dawn raid for example when the players are camped outside there tank. Or just enjoying down time away from the tank .

But you have a main battle cannon, with the possibility of having 2- heavy bolters , a lascannon, and maybe a turret hatch mounted storm bolter or stubber. So there is always something to do . :)


I would say play as the tank crew, there are plenty of times story wise the players may need to dismount, you can have a dawn raid for example when the players are camped outside there tank. Or just enjoying down time away from the tank .

But you have a main battle cannon, with the possibility of having 2- heavy bolters , a lascannon, and maybe a turret hatch mounted storm bolter or stubber. So there is always something to do . :)


but in that case i would't want to play the driver.

Left sponson gunner: "turn this tank around i got nothing to shoot!"

Right sponson gunner: "Chaos landraider sighted! my heavy bolter does nothing!"

Las cannon gunner: turn us towards the landraider! Ican't hit it at this angle!"

tank captain: "turn the turret around! i'm going out on top to shoot the heavy stubber!"

battlecannon gunner : "what for? A heavy stubber does nothing! stay inside before the heavy bolters blow you to bits!"

battlecanon gunner: (metagaming) I wish we had a stormbolter instead of a heavy stubber. Storm bolters are awesome...

Thank driver: "uh guys i botched my piloting roll.. we're stuck"

all: "aaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

I mean you will need a group who can coordinate well , and if you really want to be a evil gm, you can have a horde of chaos worshiping nut jobs climb onto the vehicle and start trying to lob grenades in.

Genestealers: the tyranid equivalent of a can opener.

Or a carnifex buldozering the tank. "aaaand we're upside down now, great!"

My group can coördinate- just not all of them in the same vehicle.

Maybe a baneblade would work better. But if i put em in shadow sword i know ill get complaints about that thing not having a traversable turret.

Yeah, I was struggling with the 'nuts-and-bolts' how a tank crew-based OW game would work in actual play (as opposed to vague theories that "Tank campaigns would be kool , 'cause, well, tanks! "). I started this thread to explore the topic, and got some useful feed-back (and a bit of not-so-useful feedback along the lines of "Don't be a tank crew- be an infantry squad with a pet tank that follows them around"). The discussion convinced me that a fun game as a tank crew is possible, but it would require a fair amount of 'house-ruling' and quite a bit of research outside the official rulebooks.

If FFG is looking for a good subject for a new OW supplement, they could do worse than to make one that lays down some useful guidelines for tank-based campaigns.

For your driving example, I would only do operate tests for more complicated maneuvers, otherwise tanks would just be a hellish experience for all involved. For example, if you did one for everything you could have such situations as. 'Oops! Sorry guys, I tried to brake, failed and squashed the guy half the squad died to rescue. Good game though, right?' Or. 'Darn. I tried to drive straight but failed really badly and now we're falling off the bridge. Sorry about that, really sorry.'

Maybe give the players each a tank (or every two players a tank) so they can have their own little tank company like Oddball's trio of Sherman tanks from "Kelly's Heroes" (great movie, you gotta watch this!)

Has any one watched that anime "Girls und Panzer"?

For your driving example, I would only do operate tests for more complicated maneuvers, otherwise tanks would just be a hellish experience for all involved. For example, if you did one for everything you could have such situations as. 'Oops! Sorry guys, I tried to brake, failed and squashed the guy half the squad died to rescue. Good game though, right?' Or. 'Darn. I tried to drive straight but failed really badly and now we're falling off the bridge. Sorry about that, really sorry.'

Running over private Rian.

Ah yes, that famous war movie with the most anti climatic ending.

Edited by Drath

My group got around that issue with a Chimera with some lasguns sticking out of the sides of the passenger compartment. That said, it was a bit of an issue gettin everyone to feel like they had a valid target (Carnifexes laugh at your flashlights!) but my group is also the type to leap out of the vehicle, man their plasma cannon, and shoot said carnifex in the face. I would say, if you're having an issue with them not feeling as though they can do much from their angle, then give heavy stubber guy some DoW-style meatbag cultists to mow down, send that land raider right into the lascannon's field of fire, and use a little GM-handwavium to say "They cored your Leman Russ. If you flee the vehicle now, you could get away from the impending BOOM." And then let them have one of those "WE NEED AIR SUPPORT" drama moments, with plenty of meatbags to shoot. And then make thosw AL bros with the lascannon the finale of the session.

My group has a hard time wrapping it's head around armoured regiments.

Since you only get one Leman-russ per squad, do you all play crewmen? or do some walk outside the tank to scout of fight infantry? Both things have serious drawbacks:

Thank crew:

GM: ok mark you are the loader what do you do this round?"

mark: "uh i loaded the battlecannon last turn, it's still loaded, i got nothing to do.

outside the tank:

Bruce: "so i'm oustide with no armor whatsoever and the rest are inside behind inches of armaplas or whatever, brilliant.

GM: suddenly two Alpha legion space marines throw of their cover and fire a lascannon at the tank. -tank blows up TPK- next squad?

Since a battle cannon has a clip size of 12 does it automatically come with 12 shells? (I asume yes) Does it have storage space for more shells onboard the tank? ( I asume no) What's the action radius of a Leman russ/ or how much fuel does the thing have?

Please share you're experiences, hints and advice regarding armoured regiments...

(PS my group decided on a heavy recon regiment so they each could have their own sentinel and everybody is happy)

Seems a bit narrow minded. Are you perhaps a beginning DM?

In Rogue Trader, players play important staff aboard a ship. Never had a session where players ***** they don't have anything to do....Not to say some encounters are more geared to a particular profession or skill but players create their own parts to play or things to do....

I have played both RT and Gearkrieg/Luftkrieg with pilots, gunners, bombardiers, tank crew, gear crew etc. If you make the encounter fun with multiple targets/things to do, everyone will get things to do. Or assist others....

My example was based on a potential worst case scenario. And we tend to view OW as the game in wich you play just your basic grunt guardsman. In rogue trader you have a whole starship! If you don't know what to do you can go explore the ship (suprisingly how many abonded decks you find on your own ship)

Edited by Robin Graves

My example was based on a potential worst case scenario. And we tend to view OW as the game in wich you play just your basic grunt guardsman. In rogue trader you have a whole starship! If you don't know what to do you can go explore the ship (suprisingly how many abonded decks you find on your own ship)

And in Only War you have an entire regiment;

The rival tank brigade just stole all your fuel reserves, The LT needs a squad to guard a VIP defently a cushy job which every squad will be trying to grab.

Even outside the regiment you have the wider Imperial forces; the Navy, the pristhood, the stormtroopers, the inquisition

Even outside the Imperium you have the enemy, stop fighting the dumb orks or the unknowable eldar, delve into the deeper themes of the conflicts of the Spinward frount; where you fight against an enemy which in truth are just like you (ok the leadership is ****** but so is the imperiums). keep in mind the Dominate are not Evil Evil heretics, they still say 'the emperors protects'

Even outside the Imperium you have the enemy, stop fighting the dumb orks or the unknowable eldar, delve into the deeper themes of the conflicts of the Spinward frount; where you fight against an enemy which in truth are just like you (ok the leadership is ****** but so is the imperiums). keep in mind the Dominate are not Evil Evil heretics, they still say 'the emperors protects'

I gotta admit; the main reason i bought "enemies of the imperium" was for the dominate and their cool uniforms. The imperium rally needs to bring those guys back into the fold- and then sacrifice them on chaos/ork fronts...

Your other ideas also seem very intresting. My group (as in the group i play in, not the group i GM) has a few demo experts and during a night time recon mission we parked the sentinels somewhere safe and snuk up to a bridge and rigged it to explode when traitor tanks rolled over it. And our ecclesiarch priest has his painted black (instead of camo) and covered with holy scripture and uses it as a moblie pulpit.

Edited by Robin Graves

And our ecclesiarch priest has his painted black (instead of camo) and covered with holy scripture and uses it as a moblie pulpit.
