Drink while sharing a square?

By tctimmeh, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Could a hero drink a vitality potion while sharing a square with another figure if he used the gained fatigue to move out of that square? We're not sure if he has to "end" his movement in order to drink, thus making the move illegal, or if drinking is part of the movement.

I can't think of a scenario in which this would be necessary. He can't be given the potion while on top of someone, and he couldn't start there either. So there is no reason the potion couldn't be drank earlier...unless you are saying that he used his last fatigue to end up in that spot. In that case, I'd say no, that's against the rules because he did in fact stop on a figure.

Right, using fatigue for the entire move is what came up for us. A hero with 3 fatigue wanted to use a battle action and move 5 spaces (move 2, drink, move 3) but there was a figure on the second space of his move.

There is nothing in the rules that prevents a hero from doing this.

Parathion said:

There is nothing in the rules that prevents a hero from doing this.

True. The only thing I can find in the rules that you explicitly can't do while sharing a square is attack, so this really comes down to whether or not the hero is considered to have "ended" his move before drinking the potion.

Found this in the FAQ thread:

tctimmeh said:

Ending your movement means just that - not moving any more this turn. If you then move more later on the same turn, you didn't actually end your movement. You can still do other stuff like attack after activating a ? marker, you just can't move any more.

Based on this I would be inclined to call this move legal since the definition of an "ended" move is that the hero doesn't move any more and in this case he is indeed moving again from the gained fatigue.

It is even clear that fatigue for movement must be used immediatly, and not for instance spend 1 fatigue at the start of your turn to get +1 Movement Point to be used later, similar to how an advance action will give you your speed MPs to spend later that turn? If fatigue just adds to your MP pool, then there is no reason to not convert all your fatigue to MP and then use 1 MP to drink a potion when you are 1 space away from an ally.

Badend said:

It is even clear that fatigue for movement must be used immediatly, and not for instance spend 1 fatigue at the start of your turn to get +1 Movement Point to be used later, similar to how an advance action will give you your speed MPs to spend later that turn? If fatigue just adds to your MP pool, then there is no reason to not convert all your fatigue to MP and then use 1 MP to drink a potion when you are 1 space away from an ally.

A) this is really all you need to realize to know it really shouldn't matter.

B) You can spend movement points while sharing a space with another hero (or enemy in cases of acrobat/fly), otherwise you wouldn't be able to spend one to move out of the space. Using a movement point to get fatigue via a potion is fine. The only stipulations are not ending movement in that shared space or attacking from it, as previously noted.