help with my ragnar deck

By dboy1, in UFS Uk Forum

i need help to tune my ragnar deck and any more ideas to help this deck


Ragnar x1


Berserker rage x4

Tag along x2


Sandstorm throw x4

Body slam x4

Crushing embrace of the joun x4

Sardine's beach special x3


Seal of cessation x2

Stormhammer x1

Ymirfang x1

Lynettes shop x3

Olcadan's mentoring x3


Brooding x4

Huge wrestling army x4

altered mind and body x3

amy's assistance x4

Holding ground x3

Will for the fight x3

lives for the battle x4

Jealously guarded secret x3

Program malfuction x3

Might makes right x2

Giradots leadership x1

any ideas of how to improve this deck please let me know.

dboy1 said:

i need help to tune my ragnar deck and any more ideas to help this deck


Ragnar x1


Berserker rage x4

Tag along x2


Sandstorm throw x4

Body slam x4

Crushing embrace of the joun x4

Sardine's beach special x3


Seal of cessation x2

Stormhammer x1

Ymirfang x1

Lynettes shop x3

Olcadan's mentoring x3


Brooding x4

Huge wrestling army x4

altered mind and body x3

amy's assistance x4

Holding ground x3

Will for the fight x3

lives for the battle x4

Jealously guarded secret x3

Program malfuction x3

Might makes right x2

Giradots leadership x1

any ideas of how to improve this deck please let me know.

Fella as much as i'd like to assist you in building this deck there is a dedicated deck building forum you should use instead...

Secondly you've already made a thread in these very forums, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CLUTTERING THE FORUMS WITH THE SAME THREADS!!!




A: You are not a mod, feel free not to tell people what to do, especially in caps, that's just rude.

B: Not everyone feels confident posting in a global deck building forum, especially new players.

C: What is wrong with posting a deck in this forum?

I would agree with you on the multiple thread thing though.

hey hanzo

iam just started out on the forums cut me some slack it might take a little while to get to use to it before i use global deck building forums

with my decks and if any body from the uk forums have any ideas how to imorove this deck and what is t threat means i havent got a glue

but if its about the other two post that i done it wont happen again but again i have only just started so give a bit more time to get used to it

Welcome to UFS and here are my suggestions gui%C3%B1o.gif


Ragnar x1


Berserker rage x4


Sandstorm throw x4

Body slam x4

Crushing embrace of the joun x4

Flooded-Nile Throw x 4


Stormhammer x1

Ymirfang x1

Olcadan's mentoring x4


Huge wrestling army x4

altered mind and body x 4

amy's assistance x4

Holding ground x 4

Will for the fight x 4

lives for the battle x4

Jealously guarded secret x 4

Program malfunction x 4

Hulking Brute x 2

I've only changed a few things. I removed Tag Along and Giradot's Leadership as it looks like you're building an aggro deck. As both of these cards are high difficulty and typically played as your first form they fill your card pool and cause you to commit foundations, slowing the deck down. I removed Lynette's Shop for the same reason - as you're playing aggressively you should play as many foundations as you can in the early game, and Lynette's Shop is a reasonably high difficulty asset which is blank if you draw it on turn 1 when going first.

I added 2 copies of Hulking Brute to compensate for your 6 hand size and I removed Seal of Cessation as it is 3 difficulty - there are 10 three difficulty foundations on the list so you may have had trouble playing cards when you check an attack. I also removed Sardie's Beach Special for the same reason - it only has 2 control and you have lots of 3+ difficulty cards.

This is only a quick reply as I'm about to start work, but if you have any other suggestions or disagree with any changes then put a post here and I'll reply when I can : )

Oh noes, my entire post looked like a quote....

Anyways, I forgot to mention that The Tae Kwon Do Zephyr is amazing and should definitely be in the deck.....