I played the Roadblock mission and pulled the Locust AI card - Event - General - Reinforcements. Which gets you to spawn Locusts from A,B and C. As I was in the beginning stage and only the Tickers are in position A, and B and C are empty.
Q1- so do I spawn 3 Tickers? as B and C are empty, or do I just spawn 1 Ticker and ignore the locusts for B and C.
I played it the hard way and spawned 3 Tickers, but I'm just wondering if that was the right thing to do?
Q2- After you have unlocked area 2 or 3, does exploration go back to normal and you lay out the whole map for which ever area you unlock, spawning locusts etc. ?
I have played through the missions in sequence they are described in the rule book, and in my solo game I have found roadblock to be the easiest mission so far, I had a few order cards that gave me some some fast travel and I think that may have been the reason.