How big will the board be?

By Krynn007, in Star Wars: Armada

Will this game be played on a 3x3 surface or require a smaller or bigger playing area?

I didn't see anything mentioned in the article unless I skimmed over it

What do you think?

Without obstacles like you have in X-Wing I think you could do it on a 3x3 board.

Well, there are obstacles. They are actually pretty important to one of the objective cards.

Well, there are obstacles.

True but there doesn't seem to be as many of them So they'd take up less board space, which was my point.

There is at least one more, since the card mentions debris tokens, and that isn't shown. And obviously, it isn't showing everything as it is a bit lacking in the squadrons.

I would love to have the option of gaming on a 6' X 4' table. Oh, the possibilities. ;)

Given how slowly the bigger ships (and they'll only get bigger!) turn, I'd wager they're gonna open things up a bit.

What that means for tournament games, I don't know - but I'm all about the casual games.

Seems with the range rulers and everything, 3x3 will be it.

If I am reading the information page correctly a match always ends after 6 turns. So the board can't be too big. I guess 3x3 will be the the normal size.

I hope it can be played on the standard 3x3 space, that's one of the problems I have with epic games with x wing, I don't have a big enough table. I like how with armada I can have epic game like scenarios, with less space and actual pieces than a 300 point x wing game.