I've been following the KHCCG for awhile now, just now joining the boards!
I'm Fragbait out of Wichita, KS, USA, and I'm a big KH fan. I've wanted to try the CCG for a while, I just can't find anything except boosters around my town. I'm Seriously looking forward to the new set, as it seems to be moving on to KH2, so I'm looking forward to new characters, concepts, cards, etc...
So, for now, heres the deal. I'm looking for 2 basic decks. One Sora/Keyblades Donald and Goof, one Riku/Keyblades. Yes, it's kinda fanboyish, but that's where I want to start. I might make a tread in the Bazaar if it's appropriate, but if someone could, if they had the stuff for BASIC decks, please PM me the cardlist and price, and we can work it out.
P.S. This isn't my first Card game. I've also played YuGiOh extensivly, Pokemon back in the day, and I was very heavy into DBZ/DBGT CCGS. I have plenty of YGO I can trade for KH cards and decks! PM what you want, I may have it.