3d terain(maybe heroscape?)

By HonorforONEFilms, in Battlelore

I was thinking about using some 3d terrain for Battlore. This would change a few things, you would have to have the epic battlore so you would have enough room. You could have mountains then with minusis for movement. You could still keep the army aspect. Imagine two armys starting with a mountain that streches almost the width of the board in between them. You'd have to have some sort of battle mechanics for those on higher and lower ground. I like the idea but I'm not sure weather the heroscape terrain is the same scale.

hero scape hexes are smaller, just enough to not quite work on top of the BL board but big enough so playing on a board made from nothing but heroscape tiles works.

the castle set at this scale is rather huge but if you like your casles big then they could work, I would not use any hero scape trees or the like.

Cut a few hexes the size of the forest/hill tile to place under the hill/forest tiles. I've seen pictures on BoardGameGeek of this technique and with a couple of trees for the forest hexes, make a huge visual difference.


There is another possibility to use - just wish I could remember it's name. It's from Games Workshop. It was a hex based system, like Battlelore and the hexes, if I remember, are 2.5 or 3 inches wide. Sadly I don't see it on their website - use to have a local store here but it closed in the last 2 months! :(


Could it be Mighty Empires ?

Indygnome said:

Could it be Mighty Empires ?

It could be. Like I said, couldn't find it on their website and alas the local store closed a few months ago.


I'd love to be able to find some. Really could add a lot to the game.

i have been considering making a 3D table and possibly casting my own resin and plaster bits. the only quibble i have with it is i would want to also replace the big minis with stands full of scaled down 6MM minis.

Smaller?!? I was thinking it would be nice to use Warhammer mins and make it bigger.

I personally would go with 6MMbecause that would allow sixteen miniatures in a hex and match a little better with the size of the terrain. also because 6MM are so small i could just use a few stands and just switch out the banners to show changed units

believe it or not 15MM minis like those in battlelore is the hardest scale to paint 2-10MM are much easier as are 25-50MM.

6mm would much harder to paint though wouldn't they? It would be cool to fit 16 in a unit though.

Hi to all, who would built his own 3-D - board. I have published a little tutorial of making my board on a german battlelore - site.

Its only in german, but there are many pictures, which can help you to find your own ideas. If someone have further questions, he can email me, because my english is to bad, to answer all here sonrojado.gif


Using Mighty Empires wouldn't make big difference in the game, except that the scale is way off. What Mighty Empires would be useful for is some form of campaign map system.

The problem is that to make good 3D terrain for BL really needs larger hexes, so that with forests, for example, you could have a couple trees to denote the terrain tile, and still ahve room for troops. It's a bad squeeze to try the same thing with the existing sized hexes.